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Offering Loving Support 




Dear Light Family,

Even though it is played hard against hard in the world, keep realizing that it are very big lies and stay connected to Christ in peace. Have no opinion and do nothing with all those things that are happening in the world, otherwise you will be sucked into it.

Do not be scared or worried because that is exactly what the devil wants. bringing everyone into fear, panic and division. Stay out of that and keep walking your path to and with Christ, then you will not be bothered by it. Believe and trust that Christ will protect and care for you, your family, and those around you.

Continue to radiate the Gracious Love of Christ to all life around you. Then you also radiate the peace that many people now desperately need. Because all people are so misled and lied to through the media that they all start to believe it. Stay strong in your Light and have Grace, understanding and patience with all these people.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Even if you have stumbled and fallen on the way to Christ, Christ will catch you if you believe and trust in Him. If you are really serious about walking the way to Christ, He has infinite patience with you. Christ looks at your intent and the amount of love in your heart, and whether you speak and do the truth.

By your behavior you show whether you have truly chosen Christ or the devil. For the behaviour as Christ is Graceful, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient in every situation, anything that is not that is of the devil. In doing so, you are of loving service to your fellow men and you do Lightwork. All this will ensure that you stand powerfully in your Light and the Light can shine more strongly in you.

Then the devil will no longer have a chance to enter you, because then he will burn himself with the Christ Light in you. Yet he will keep trying until the last minute to take you out of your Light, back into his game, be vigilant! Connect with Christ every moment and believe and trust only Him.

Mother Mary



Dear Light family,

Beloveds, the pressure, fear, chaos and division is quite ramped up in the world, pitting people against each other.
The devil wants to get his way at all costs, even though he knows he has lost. For he can do nothing against the Light of Christ, which increases in strength every day.

Therefore dear ones, boldly keep going your path together with Christ, asking Him to do everything together with you. Then you will notice that everything runs more easy, effortlessly and smoothly. In doing so, you remain well connected with Christ and He can radiate and work through you at any time when necessary. Because He knows what everyone needs, including everyone around you, your friends and your family.

By being in relaxed peace and quiet and letting Christ work and shine through you, everyone can receive what is needed for that moment. He then also touches them in their spiritual hearts so that the Holy Spirit can also awaken in them. You do not have to do anything, just be there for your fellow men in Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace and Patience.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

People's tolerance for each other will change as the storm will blow harder. This is because chaos, uncertainty and fear are increasing among the people. People do not know a way out and therefore become less tolerant. Because of all the vaccinations they will change in behavior and not know it anymore.

We know that these are all stories that actually do not exist, especially if you are connected with Christ and know how everything works. That it are lies that are presented to the people. They do this to create another story, so that their old story, their past, is erased. With Christ there are no stories and only the Pure Truth exists.

He is our Savior who leads us Home where we may receive an eternal Loving, Peaceful and Free life. It is about what story people want to believe, that is then the truth for them. Therefore dear ones, be the example for all these people in your behavior as Christ so that many can follow you and also find their way Home.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Whatever is going on in the world, let it go and again and again go to the peace and quiet so that you can reconnect with Christ in you. Then you are no longer of this world, but you are still in the world to fulfill your Light Task. You are then in the peaceful, Loving energy with Christ.

There is no fear, doubt, unrest and chaos, but you will always find the peace and strength that you can receive in Christ. There is real life and you receive the real life energy to be able to do your task here on earth.

Christ Shines through us with His Great Gracious Love so that as many people as possible may also awaken, because of all that Light that Christ sends this is possible. Therefore dear ones, continue on your path to be a co-savior with Christ and Radiate your Light around you.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

As you walk the path to Christ, your consciousness and your Light are growing tremendously. After years of preparation and practice, you know inwardly that the time has come to put all that you have learned into practice. For at this time much Light is needed and all of you are called to participate.

Only the Christ Light can withstand all darkness and let it melt away like snow in the sun. That is why it is also very important for you dear Lights, to remain firmly in the Light of Christ and let it Shine through you from the inside out to all around you. You have now become powerful Pillars of Light who will protect many with your Light.

Do not let anything in the world tempt you, for it would very much like to take you out of your Light again. You realize very well what that means for you, but also for your family and friends. Stay connected with Christ in Love and Radiate your beautiful Light into the world.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

When you are in the arms of Christ, you can relax completely, because there is no fear, chaos, pain and sorrow, that only exists in the world. With Christ there is Rest, Peace, Love, Unity and Joy. Those who walk the path to Christ experience very well the difference whether they are well connected with Christ in their hearts or not.

Then it is calm and quiet in them and they are united with Christ in Unity. When things get restless in them again, chaotic, busy or anxious, they know that the connection with Christ has been broken. This is done in a very subtle way, only a very small crack or hole needs to be open, which the devil will gladly make use of.

By being more and more vigilant about this and checking how you feel, you can prevent a lot of trouble by tuning into Christ with your Light Buddy. This will immediately reconnect you with Christ and you will notice the difference. This is becoming increasingly important, especially at this time. Be clear in your choice and act like Christ.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

All the emotions and fears that people had during the floods are food for the devil, who does not have that much energy anymore, so he creates such things that he can feed himself again. Without the fear and emotions of the people, he is powerless. That is why so much fear is created in the world.

Many people are still not aware of what time they are living in and think it will all get back to normal. They also do not want to hear warnings, wave this off or get clicked away. This pulls them further and further towards the antichrist. Only when they start to notice that something is not right, will they start looking for the truth. It will be shocking to suddenly find out.

As they begin to listen to their conscience again in their hearts, they make contact with the Holy Spirit in them, who is Christ. There is the only way Home and out of all the conditions in the world. By placing your life in the hands of Christ and believing and trusting Him 100%, you will experience Rest, Peace, Love and Security and you will always be safe in His arms.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Rejoice in the return of the Lord, who is already in you, He is very near to us. Even though there is a whole lot of trouble in the world causing chaos, because of this they want to cover up the return of Christ. People are misled by all these conditions of what really matters. Many are misled and carried away by all what is happening in the world.

Many devilish things are happening worldwide and as long as the devil will continue, it will only increase.
However, he does not take into account the Light of Christ which is becoming very powerful. All of us who believe and trust 100% in Christ will not be bothered by all those conditions in the world, we have let go of creation in us and are with Christ in Spirit.

We are waiting and looking forward to the return of Christ which has already taken place in us. We are sheltered in His Light, safe, peaceful, in peace and quiet and in Love. Stay connected to Christ every second of the day and may your attention be focused only on Him.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

All Light Forces from the Other Side and here on earth are already working at full force to spread the Holy Spirit over all kinds of places here on earth and on the Other Side. This spreads a lot of Light, Grace, Love and Peace. The darkness cannot compete with this, it cannot do anything with the Light, if they come too close they would burn in that Light.

But Christ is also here for them with His Great Grace and they may also receive it. If they want to repent to Christ, all their sins are washed away and they too can go The Way Home. So great is the Graceful Love of Christ for all living things, He who will never judge or punish.

Christ knows that all life will return to Him at some point, He has a lot of Patience and waits quietly to see if someone will choose this of their own free will. For only when they come to Christ of free choice will they also arrive at Him.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Major developments are taking place in the Light Family to allow the very important Light Missions to take place. These Missions can only be done by serious and stable Lights, for only those can work with Christ to establish and maintain a great stable Grace Light. That is now of great importance because the darkness also wants to implement all kinds of plans.

Very much depends on the Missions to Radiate powerfully the Great Grace Light together with Christ. We know that you beloveds are now capable of this and are fully prepared to carry out your Missions. As you know, you are supported in this by very many from the other side. Believe and Trust in Christ and support each other to accomplish these beautiful Light tasks together. We are always with you, with all our love and support.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Beloveds, the real work for which you have been preparing for years is now about to begin. You will do important projects together to place a Great Grace Light in Unity with Christ where it is needed. You are called and led to these places by Christ.

As your Light Power increases day by day, you can keep the Light Field stable so that many souls may be Redeemed. This is possible by having 100% unwavering Faith and Trust in only Christ and you are then a great example to all around you. By doing this beautiful Lightwork in Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace and Patience and doing it with much joy, you will Shine as Christ and with Christ.

All this to demonstrate The Way Home again, so that all can find this Way Home again. More and more souls will Awaken and Rise and Shine, because the Holy Spirit can fully flourish in them again. Thus many can be set free and Redeemed, including god and all of his creation and creatures.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Even though someone here on earth is a learned professor, in the Spirit he is poor. All that learning and wanting to be someone with status is worth nothing on the other side, it is all of matter and the world. The true development is in Spirit, to develop again to become As Christ; Graceful, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient in every situation and circumstance.

This is something you can do of your own free will and cannot be forced on you, Christ will never force you to come to Him. It is the choice your soul makes from your heart to eventually find The Way Home after many detours.

Nor is it an easy path and you must be determined to walk it. By carrying yourself over to Christ, He will guide you all the way, making it easier for you. Your persistence will be rewarded with Grace, Peace, Love, Light, Freedom, Joy, Health and Unity.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Get out of the hustle and bustle of the world into the Peace and Quiet in your heart. There in your heart where the Holy Spirit is in you, you can always withdraw for a while if it gets too much around you. There with Christ in your heart you can relax completely again and you know that you are very loved and protected.

You can also lose all your sorrows, worries, fears, unrest or your stories, Christ takes it all away from you. This allows you to happily continue in your daily life, it is actually a charging point in yourself. You may also ask for new life energy if you need it, Christ answers all your questions and knows all your needs.

By connecting yourself again and again in your heart with Christ, who is the Holy Spirit in you, you remain in your strength and Light. Then you walk peacefully and calmly through your life and if you let yourself be guided by Christ you will come to places where your Light is needed. There you may Shine As Christ and His Gracious Love will flow through you in Redemption for all life.

Mother Mary



Dear light family,

As we walk the way to Christ to become more and more Graceful, more Loving, more Peaceful, and more Patient in our behaviour, we also become more and more joyful in ourselves. We feel and know that we have been released from all our loads we carried and every day we are again given the Grace of Christ, which is a tremendous gift. But you should then stay away from all sins.

Every day we may again receive His Great Gracious Love, which is wrapped around you like a warm blanket. Christ knows us through and through and knows exactly where our needs are. By walking the way to Christ, you will be in need of nothing and you will be supported with everything, for He is a Loving Father.

Christ understands all of your situations and will never condemn or punish you, but is patiently waiting for you with wide open arms to catch you again and again when needed. Therefore, entrust your life completely to Him and let yourself be carried through your life by Christ.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Every second of the day you make the choice where you will be. You are the one who determines how your day, your life goes. You create your future through your thoughts, god also plays through you and it is up to you whether you still want to listen to this and play his game.

If you choose that and you still think things in the world are important and you want to follow your own 'I', you go down with the antichrist in the End Time. If you choose Christ, you choose the real Life, Freedom, Love, Grace, Peace, Light, Warmth, Joy and Truth. Every day we make that choice again between these two directions.

If you are aware of what you choose, you will be prepared for where you will end up. There are still many people who are completely unaware of this and are therefore easy to manipulate and believe everything they are told. Only by choosing Christ and walking His Way Home will you be Liberated and Redeemed.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Beloveds, the time of learning and practicing is over, you are now being asked to take action and complete your beautiful Light Missions as One. Violence is increasing in the world, it seems as if the darkness is getting stronger.

Know however, that the Great Grace Light of Christ is only increasing and Shining more powerfully through you, preventing the darkness from getting near you. Of course, that is only possible if you stand with two feet on the Lightship of Christ, then you will not notice the darkness.

But those who still have a feet on the Titanic will be confronted with this. The time of doubting and dawdling is over, decisiveness is now required of you. To take up your tasks in great Love and Grace and to steadfastly shine as ONE Great Grace Light with Christ. We are always with you.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Faith and Trust in Christ is very important in this End Time. To trust that whatever happens around you or whatever comes before you, Christ will protect you and Shine through you completely with His Great Grace Light. That way you are always safe and if you fully believe and trust him you can remain firmly in your Light.

Now is the time to believe and trust yourself and to let go of the last bits of doubt or uncertainty in you and to stand for it and to Shine together with Christ, knowing that you are worthy to be and do that.

Everyone is valuable to Christ, He makes no distinction, everyone is equal to Him, and He loves everyone just as much, as He loves all life. His great Love is all-encompassing and will never diminish no matter what you do. Again and again you may receive His Loving Grace and embrace.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Everything that happens around us also happens in us. Because in us there is also good and evil, the creation of god, in which god has put his PPP, personal, program, pattern. With this he has his creation in his hand and he can turn on a program for everyone, delete memory and put another program in its place.
Until man Wakes Up and finds out what he/she really is in the origin. Man is a beautiful Light Being around which god has hung all kinds of programs and veils to keep man away from Christ, for he wanted to create a better Spirit than Christ, in which he will never succeed.

Because only Christ is the True Life and when man can let go of the creation of god, the beautiful pearl appears and can Shine again as a beautiful Light together with Christ. Then there is no more lie, pain, sadness, fear, illness and insecurity. Then everyone can dance joyfully in the Light with Christ.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Beloveds, connect yourselves more often together in Christ in order to form a Unity of Light. This is becoming increasingly important to establish and maintain that powerful Light Field. It is also important for yourself to be attuned to Christ every second of the day for what is to come.

If you stand powerfully in your Light, even the greatest storm will pass you by. You all already know that and how important it is, not only to yourself, but to all life. Because if you can keep standing, many are protected and can go Home with you.

You also know that the world around you is an illusion and that it are all stories that can be changed. It is important for you and us that you only believe in the True Story of Christ and live and behave accordingly. Then The Way Home is free for everyone.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Beloveds, time and again you have been warned of the temptations and distractions in the world. They are trying to get you out of your Light in every possible way. This not only happens further away from you, but also very close to you, in your family or relatives. Be vigilant about this, because you do not expect it in your family and relatives.

By remaining steadfast in your Light and behaving like Christ, connected with Christ, they can do nothing at all, because in the Light of Christ you are always protected. Make sure you can stay connected to Christ longer and longer, so that you can eventually stay tuned in 24 hours a day, then you will be continuously connected to Christ.

He will protect and support you at all times in everything you do. Christ will lead you, if you allow it, to get you where you are needed. Sometimes all you need to do is sit next to someone, hear their story or have a chat. In the meantime they are touched by Christ and given what they need. So let yourself be guided by Christ in 100% Faith and Trust.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

During the time to come it is necessary to stay very closely connected to Christ in His Light. The storm in the world will increase more and more. However, we know that it is a story you can believe or not.

They want to make people believe a completely different story and thus lead them further away from Christ. We believe the True Story of Christ and let go of all other stories. The True Story of Christ is the Living Word, which is very important to yourself, but also to all other people. It is the only way out of the illusion of good and evil, the creation of god.

In addition, it is very important not only to stick to the pure Word of Christ, but to be in Truth in every second of the day and show it to your surroundings. In this way more and more people can wake up and recognize the Holy Spirit within themselves again, so that we may all Go Home as ONE Christ.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

If you have managed to let go of the world around you, the game of god in his creation, you have also let go of all the stories. This first happens in yourself and then also with the stories around you. In this way you can get closer to Christ and become As Christ.

It then becomes more and more quiet in you and you know that you are intimately connected with Christ. In this silence you encounter the pure Truth, which is the Christ in you. Then you are in the eye of the storm and even though the storm is raging around you, you will not notice it anymore, it can no longer touch you.

The darkness also no longer has a chance to come near you, it cannot withstand the Light. Then you have come Home to Christ, then you are no longer on and of the earth, no longer in and of heaven. Then you will experience the True Freedom, Truth, Infinite Graceful Love, Warmth and Unity with Christ at Home.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Despite the state of the world, you can be in great joy when you are connected to Christ. You loved ones are well informed about everything and know that the world, god's creation is an illusion. That you are not your body and soul, but pure Spirit, beautiful Beings of Light.

That beautiful Light is present in all life, which is Christ. It is up to everyone which story he/she wants to believe. If they believe everything that happens in the world around them, they will soon go under with the antichrist. So many lies are being told to the people and because of the program that god has put in them, they believe all that until they Wake Up.

Then they realise that everything is very different and that they are lied to and cheated on a daily basis. Only when they go together with Christ can they get out of this misery. Christ is the only way out of this, He IS the Truth and the True Life.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

If you have been walking the path to Christ for a while, your consciousness has grown and you have begun to Radiate more and more Light. You may realize that this is True and that your environment benefits greatly from this, because where there is Light there can be no darkness.

People will want to be around you because your Light Radiates love, warmth and peace. Many people desperately need this in this time of fear and confusion. You do not have to do anything for it, your presence is sufficient and when you are in relaxed tranquility, Christ can send that thing through you that the other needs.

By continuing to develop to become As Christ, you may realize that you are it at some point. That you are worthy to be that and that you can realize and Radiate that, but can certainly Behave As Christ, as an example and support for your environment.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

As you walk the path to Christ, you have chosen to know the Pure Truth and also know what real Life is.
For only Christ is all this in Purity. It is a narrow and steep road, but well worth it.

For the broad and easy way is the way of the world, the duality and polarity, where god is in charge and plays with all his creatures. The narrow and steep road may seem difficult at first, but when you have Surrendered to Christ, He will Carry you over all obstacles. You will always receive the courage and strength from Christ to move on.

This to develop further and further in consciousness, in Spirit. This will change your life for the better and you will see that if you keep walking this path, your surroundings and the people around you will change with it. This is because you will Radiate more and more Light and Peace, so that they will also be touched by this and will become more peaceful.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

The temporary freedom that people are now allowed to experience in their daily life will be short-lived.
god has very different plans for his End Time. However, many people still do not realize what is really going on.

They believe what they are told in the media and that it is because of the vaccinations that they are now allowed to experience so-called freedom. god wants to deceive and distract mankind because he also knows that Christ is returning. That his game is over.

By creating all the conditions in the world, the fear, unrest, chaos and uncertainty, people do not realize that Christ is returning INSIDE them. Christ IS and returns INSIDE all life, so that in all that life the Holy Spirit can Rise and Shine. Then everyone Wakes Up and the veils that god has hung on them fall away, so that they know again who they really are. Beautiful Beings of Light that can Shine again.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

When you walk with Christ, you walk Light-footed through life. No more heavy burden on your shoulders, no more fear, confusion, chaos etc. For when you walk with Christ, you walk Home together on His Loving Path. Then you have let go of the entire creation of god, so that you can be with Christ in Spirit.

Where there is only Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace, Patience, Truth, Freedom, Light and joy. Most of you beloved ones are on their way there, to be and stay in that beautiful Loving environment. To become As Christ and show it to all around you.

Radiate the Great Grace Light together with Christ so that all life, including god with all his creatures and creation may be Enlightened and Redeemed. For we have all received the Grace of Christ. It is only our Belief and Trust in this that it can also be True.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

What is done is done, a saying that is used on earth. You cannot change your past, what happened happened. Furthermore, you cannot do anything with your future. Both actually do not exist, only the now or the 0 point is True.

When you are in the 0 point, you are there where Christ is, in that silence. Only there the pure Truth and Grace is to be found. This 0 point is IN your heart, which you can connect with at any time of the day to come back into that silence, no matter what is happening around you.

That 0 point with which you then connect is the Holy Spirit in your heart who is Christ. Then all unrest, fear, panic, doubt, uncertainty etc. will fall away from you. Then you come back into the relaxed Peace and Quiet and thus in touch with the Gracious Love of Christ that is abundant for everyone. It cannot be found outside of you, but within your heart, as in all life.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Beloveds, now is the time to move on as the important Light Missions have begun. You have been prepared for this for years and know how important these missions are in the time you live in now. Before you came to earth, you agreed to take on these tasks. You did not just join the Light Family, now you know why.
They are great important Light Missions to Enlighten and Redeem everything and everyone together with Christ. To bring the Unity, Truth, Grace and Great Love back to earth and to reveal everything. In this way all people in their hearts come into contact with the Holy Spirit in them. It has been in all life from the beginning and it is commemorated every year at Pentecost that Christ poured out the Holy Spirit into everything and everyone.

This also happens when Christ returns, while He has never been away. He returns in 0 seconds IN all life, IN the hearts of all people and all that life. The antichrist claims to be Christ and will make itself known with much fanfare on the outside. However, every conscious person will see that he is not Christ by his behavior. Christ is only Gracious, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient in all situations and circumstances.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Even though the whole world is in turmoil and the storm is blowing around you, when you are with Christ you are in complete Peace and Quiet, Light and Joy. If you are well tuned in to Christ, you will notice that very well in yourself. By practicing to be tuned in more often and for longer, at some point you will no longer have to tune in because then you will have become As Christ, unless you like to do it.

Then there is nothing left between Christ and you, and He can Shine and flow through you completely with His Great Grace Light. Through you He can then touch all life with His Gracious Love. You have then become a kind of instrument through which Christ can work. By Believing and Trusting this 100% and ensuring that you remain Pure and in Truth, you have become a co-Redeemer with Christ.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

In this day and age it is very important to be vigilant about what you are told and to ask Christ in your heart if what you are told is true. Because a lot of lies are spread every day to keep people in check, fear and panic.

All are deceived and do not realize that it is happening, because they do not ask themselves whether it is all true what is being proclaimed. By consulting your conscience in your heart, you will learn which decisions are right for you, for the conscience in you is Christ. If you Believe and Trust your conscience, that is, Christ, and listen to it, you can no longer be deceived, because you carry the Truth inside you.

Many people are not or no longer aware that they also have it in them. As soon as they start listening to it, they Wake Up and know they are being cheated. It is then up to them which decisions they make. Christ will never force anyone to listen to Him, but only show and let you know the Truth.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Beloveds, your growth in the Light Family is the same as growing from a small child to adolescent to adult. You also go through this process in the Light Family, by developing your consciousness. As you know, this process takes at least three years.

Just like in your normal life, you first learn to walk and talk, then go through elementary school and then go to secondary education and continue studying at a university to become a master. You are taking these steps in consciousness in the Light Family. You can therefore not as e.g. an adolescent start at the university, your soul could not handle that.

Little by little you will be trained and grow into adults. Adults can also handle adult tasks because they know how to take and bear responsibility. All of this is a growth process and everyone knows within themselves (through their Conscience) at what point of development they are and what responsibility they can handle.

By taking this responsibility and applying it, you become stronger and more stable in your Light. That is necessary when we go to the East on Light Mission, because next to freedom, a great responsibility and independence is needed. Certainly also stability to be able to remain in the Light in great Faith and Trust in Christ.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

To prevent is better than to cure, this is a motto used in the world. Therefore, dear ones, you have been prepared for years to be ready for the time to come. You have learned step by step to step out of the creation of god. For years you have been explained how everything works and you have come to know the Truth.

You have had the theory to understand everything. In addition, you have had exercises to put everything into practice. Now is the time to put all that is learned into practice. You are well prepared for this and you have been taught everything necessary to perform your tasks.

Christ showed you how it can be done. Together with Christ you are now setting out to accomplish great Missions to spread the Great Grace Light of Christ all over the earth and to Redeem and Enlighten all.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Only in Peace and Quiet can you best make contact with Christ in you and hear His soft voice. When you are in a relaxed state it is much easier. The more you have cleared up and let go of in your soul, the more room there is for Light, Truth and Peace.

It then becomes more and more Quiet in you and if you practice, you can stay in that Quiet longer and longer. In that Peace and Quiet you are connected with Christ in you. You can go back to that place inside you again and again to find that Quiet again when things get turbulent around you. There is your anchor point to connect with Christ.

In the coming period, it is very important to stay in the relaxed Peace and Quiet, whatever happens around you. Because when you are in that relaxed Peace, Christ can fully work and Shine through you.
That is what you are all going to do together with Christ thereby forming ONE Great Grace Light to Redeem everything and everyone, including god, his creation and all his creatures.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Every day people make all kinds of choices, important and less important ones. As an adult you will carefully weigh the choices and ask yourself what the consequences could be. Soon people will be faced with the most important choice in their lives, which can have major consequences depending on which choice they make.

Soon they will have to choose between the Truth and the Life that is Christ, or the lie and death that is the antichrist. Many are not yet aware that they are already making these choices every day, and whether they want to know the Truth or whether they allow themselves to be seduced by lies, beautiful promises, beautiful earthly things.

Many do not realize what it means for them if they choose for the antichrist and do not know what time they are living in, unless they want to Wake Up. Those who are Awake know that and can therefore choose more consciously. Only when you choose Christ and also want to Behave like Him and live like Him, will you receive Eternal Life, Love, Light, Truth, Joy and Go Home with Christ.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

To really get to know yourself, you will have to look inward into your heart, to there have the courage to  look into your own mirror in Truth. This can be very confronting, because you only want to see the beautiful things about yourself and you see all the other things in everyone around you. If you want to walk the Path to Christ, you learn that the others around you, are a mirror for you.

The things you find disturbing in the other person, or that annoy you, or make you angry, are all pieces of yourself. By acknowledging and accepting this in yourself, you can change it together with Christ and all your soul pieces can dissolve, making it calmer and Lighter in yourself.

Because when all those things are out of your soul, there will be more space for the Light and Love. Because what you did to the other in another life, you can now encounter in your own life, even though you do not know it anymore. You are then redeeming, if you understand that, you can forgive the other and yourself, so that you Redeem the other and yourself. The only way to Redemption and Home is inwards and walk the Way Home with Christ.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

We are all created in the image of god, but within us we are much more, beautiful Light Beings. This Light Being is the Christ in us and all life. It has been hidden for thousands of years and many veils are put before it by god. He himself has also lost contact with his own Light Being.

Now that more and more people are Waking Up at this time, the veils are falling away and the Light Being in the human being can Rise again and Shine. It is the time to Awaken and rediscover who we really are and have always been. That we may rediscover the Truth in ourselves and in others. Knowing that we are all ONE and the same, beautiful Lights of Christ which Lives IN us. So all Wake Up dear people, and Shine together with Christ so that god and all his creation and creatures can also Go Home.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Many people have the hope that they can go on vacation again in the summer, or do other things that they enjoy. Some do not know what time they are living in and believe what they are being told. Because of the fear and terror in which they are placed, they are paralyzed causing them to easier be manipulated.

We who walk the Way to Christ have been informed differently and have come to know the Truth of all this. We know that everything has to do with our inner self. E.g. if someone still struggles within themselves, they also experience the struggle around them. They attract what they are.

Only by walking the Way to Christ will you learn how to redeem yourself of it, so that you attract all that is True. Everything has to do with your own thoughts, feelings and emotions that god plays through you and which stories you want to believe and trust.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Every day more and more people Wake Up and see through the game that is being played with them. This is because of the Great Grace Light of Christ that Shines through everything and everyone. The more people Awaken, the brighter the Light of Christ can Shine through them, because then they open themselves to it and want to Awaken.

Dear ones, do not be fooled and tempted to believe all the lies they tell you. Listen in your hearts to your Conscience, the Holy Spirit, who is Christ in you. Only then will you come to know the Pure Truth, continue to believe and trust only that what you hear in your heart from the Holy Spirit.

The darkness has no chance against the Light and actually does not exist. It just depends on what story everyone wants to believe and trust, what you think, feel and your emotions are feelings and thoughts of god, who is also an illusion. Only believe and trust Christ who is the True Life and let Him guide you.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Many people on earth think they know what love is, what they feel and experience in their lives. This is the earthly love for each other, for your family, relatives, friends etc. which can suddenly turn into the opposite. The love that demands and for which you have to do all kinds of things to be allowed to receive it, or that you do not feel valuable enough for it.

Earthly love can also be infatuation which will disappear after a while. But there is also a love for nature, art and culture, etc. Only most people no longer know what True Love is. The Love that does not demand or expect anything, but is given in abundance.

That is the True Unconditional Love of Christ for all life. His Love is abundant and infinite. Christ loves even the darkest, for also in them He dwells as the Holy Spirit, still asleep in them. Christ also loves god, all of his creation and all his creatures. Christ IS only that One Great Infinite True Love that exists.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

By Carrying yourself Over in 100% Faith and Trust to Christ, you will Receive from Christ what you need for your Spiritual Rebirth. When you Surrender yourself completely to Christ, you literally place your life in His loving hands.

Because you have Carried yourself Over to Christ, He has washed away all your sins and has given you Grace. By Surrendering to Him you allow Christ to guide you through your life. He guides you on those paths that are necessary for your development to growth and to the Light.

In addition, He supports you in every step that you want to take with him and protects you wherever you are. You cannot be in better hands than the hands of Christ. He knows you through and through and always knows what you need, without you knowing it yourself. In addition, He loves you very much.
How wonderful it is to dedicate your life completely to Him.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Being honest with yourself and with others is a good thing. That is not easy in this world full of lies and deceit, a little white lie is easily told. But understand that there are no little white lies, they are all the same size and terrible. All of this is part of the darkness and will only harm yourself if you continue with it.

Therefore ask Christ for forgiveness for such things and for all your sins, and He will wash you completely clean. Then it is important to stay away from all those dark things and walk the Path to Christ. If you listen to your Conscience, you know you are being warned about it. Keep looking honestly into your own heart and completely cleanse your soul with Christ. Then you learn to live and be in Sincere Truth. For if you want to Go Home to Christ, you will also have to become like Him, Gracious, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful, Patient, Pure and in Truth.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Beloveds, you do not have to save the whole world, just leave that in the hands of Christ. Even though you now see around you that ignorant, deaf and blind souls make a different choice. You cannot stop such things, they all make their own choice. Nor will they believe you if you said otherwise, they have been brainwashed and programmed.

Christ knows all this and has no judgment about it, Christ does not do that. He knows they will one day come Home to Him. He also loves all these ignorant souls and would love to take them all Home. For you beloveds, it is just important to stay firmly with both feet in the Light.

You all are knowing and you are asked to be the powerful, Stable and Shining example for all those ignorant souls. When it is their time they too will Wake Up and find their way Home. Shine your beautiful Light every day together with Christ.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

If you walk the path to Christ, you may do so at your own pace, because it is up to your soul what it can handle. You do not have to focus on others, they also started that way once. Walk your path step by step with Christ, He knows exactly what you need or can handle. There is also no competition with Christ, who gets Home first, He wants to take everyone Home with Him.

Christ is patient with everyone and is happy with everyone who wants to Wake Up, but also loves those who are still asleep. Also in this Christ makes no difference, His Love is for all life. With Him everyone is equal and equally valuable, all One. Christ is Graceful and Loving to everything and everyone, no matter what they have done or still do. Everyone receives the Grace of Christ every day anew. It would be nice if after that everyone would stay out of sin and only follow Christ.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Beloveds, be in joy and dance together in the Light of Christ. For with Christ there is Joy and Happiness, Unity, Love and Light. Do not only Radiate the Light and the Love, but certainly also the Joy.

This so that many around you can be touched with this and can also rebuild the spark in them to a brighter Light and can start to Shine. For the Light, Love and Joy are powerful and will make the darkness disappear. Always let your Light in you Shine brighter when it gets darker around you, because all souls around you yearn for the Love and the Light.

So, beloveds, Shine out into the world and be the Shining example for many. Many no longer know that there is also such a thing as the Great Light. By just being there and starting to Behave and Shine As Christ, they too will notice that there is something else than just darkness.

Mother Mary



​Dear Light Family,
Happy Easter!

Today we can joyfully celebrate that Jesus Rose again as Christ from the dead. He has paved the way for us and demonstrated how we can get back there in the Great Light. The way out of the body and soul, time and space, the creation of god, to end up in True Life.

god's creation is death, an illusion, the Spirit with Christ is the True Life and the Pure Truth. This is the only way out of the illusion creation of god, in which we have been trapped for 6000 years and where god also wants to get out, but also no longer knows where the way out is. That is why we may also point and show the Way to god and his entire creation with all his creatures, together with Christ.

With Christ at the helm of our Lightship we sail Home together in Unity and Grace. This Lightship is in us, everything happens in us. Christ is in all of us and in all life as the Holy Spirit.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Beloveds, you have evolved as beautiful Stable Lights by now. This is also badly needed for what is to come. Not only the darkness is increasing, but your Light power is certainly increasing day by day, Christ is Shining more and more through you. A big serious task awaits you, and you have been prepared for it for years.


In recent years you have been able to learn step by step to remain stronger in your Light and to remain Stable in it. This so that soon all your Lights can be United to Shine as ONE very Great Grace Light together with Christ, where it is most needed.


You already know this and also realize that you should not hesitate for a second or you will be out of your Light and the important Mission will be in danger. It takes strong Faith and Trust in Christ, as well as believing in yourself and trusting that you are now strong enough to take on such an important task together with Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


The days to come are important to all Christians and believers, as they all remember the meaning of Good Friday and Easter. They believe in the Truth that can be and remain revealed. This is also very important because in this day and age they want to deny it, and replace it with another story or even erase it. Importantly, we remember that after the crucifixion, Jesus was Resurrected as Christ, the real True Life.


That He showed us the Way Home, to Christ at Home. Therefore, we can celebrate Easter with joy, for we have eternal life in Spirit with Christ, if we want to open ourselves to Him and live like Him. This so that together with Him we will Shine a beautiful Radiant Light that will Redeem and Enlighten everything and everyone, including god, and dissolve all darkness into nothing.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

When you have carried yourself over to Christ in 100% Faith and Trust and put your life in His hands, He will free you from all your worries, burdens, fears and sins. This liberation is the Great Grace of Christ that you may receive as a gift. Christ does not require anything from you in return.


So extremely great is His Love for all life and wherever He is present in the form of the Holy Spirit. Many people do not know this anymore, or have never been told it, or have not learned it in their youth. But as soon as a person starts to wonder why he/she is on earth, and whether there is a goal, or a task on which the person should work, they turn inwards into their hearts.


There Christ is present as the Holy Spirit and Conscience, which is also in every person. When they reconnect with this, they can let themselves be guided by this, because that is where the real Truth can be found, and where you will find the answers to all your questions. When you are in silence, you will be able to hear the soft voice in your heart. Let yourself be guided by this, it leads to the way of the real Truth and Liberation.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


If you are willing to completely cleanse and purify yourself on your path to Christ, you can be a co-Redeemer with Christ. For only when you have cleaned up and have become pure, can you take on the responsibility of taking on greater Light Tasks.


By staying powerful and steadfast in your Light, you can Shine like Christ. Then it is possible that everything around you is touched by the healing Christ Light, and thus can also Awaken in itself and Rise and find the way to Christ again.


In this way many can be touched by the Great Grace Light of Christ, and many can be Redeemed.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


By stepping out of chaos, fear, struggle, unrest and uncertainty, you step out of the world and out of the program of god that he plays through everything and everyone. When you make that choice, you have chosen Christ; Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace, Patience, Rest, Silence, Relaxation and Joy.


As you can see, there is a very big difference between the two, between god and Christ, and you can choose. You just have to make the choice where you want to be and what you want to experience. When you choose Christ, you step out of the storm that is already raging and you are in the eye of the storm where the calm reigns.


Because of this you are in relaxation and peace and you know that you are always safe in the hands of Christ. The great thing is, if you can remain stable and with two feet on the Ark of Christ, and are the example in being a Mature, Responsible, Example; Unity-Conscious, Reliable, Unwavering, Stable, Constant and Freedom, Responsibility, Independence, then your family, relatives, friends etc. are all safe in the hands of Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


It is important to realise what you choose every day. Do you want to stay on the earthly Titanic, or on Christ's Lightship? Time is running out for making the decision, in a while that will no longer be possible, because then those two ships will each sail in different directions. Then you can no longer transfer from one ship to another.


The Lightship of Christ lies alongside, so the possibility of transferring to it is still present. The Lightship of Christ sails to the house of Christ, the Spirit, where everything and everyone is welcome. Where there is only Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace, Patience, Quiet, Freedom, Joy and Eternal Life.


This journey is happening INSIDE yourself because there Christ is present. Everything that will be shown on the outside, in other words in the world, is deception; what must represent Christ then, is the antichrist. And he will take everything and everyone into the abyss. Only Christ IN you will set you free.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


The freedom of the people is increasingly restricted in the world. The freedom of expression is no longer accepted as such, people are silenced, also by means of a face mask. The real Truth cannot be found in the world around you, there is only false truth there.


You can only experience the real Truth in yourself when you have carried yourself over to Christ and walk His way Home. Only with Christ can the True Freedom be found. Only He can free you from all your burdens and sins.


He did that for all of us 2,000 years ago, to die on the cross for all our sins so that we can be freed from them. He has freed us from the heavy burden that we have carried with us for lifetimes. Through this Christ gives Grace to us all. Therefore be thankful for such a great and beautiful gift from Christ and sin no more.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Beloved, everyone in the Light family has a Light Task for which he/she is responsible. It depends on whether someone takes this task seriously, even if it seems small. Because everyone and everything is important, and what is done, is about the Unity.


The main thing is whether you take your task seriously and want to go for it 100%, in 100% Faith and Trust, that you can also do the task Christ has given you. It is about your commitment and intention, so that by doing your tasks you can grow in consciousness.


Because by doing the Lightwork, you can grow in consciousness, so that your Light Power also grows. You then show what you truly stand for and whether you choose Christ with two feet and thus stand on His Ark. Then you can be a steady Shining example for everything and everyone around you.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


It is popularly said, "honesty is the best policy and no matter how quick the lie is, the truth will catch up with it." Everyone knows these sayings from their life, and they are correct if you look at your own life and that of others.


All lies and falsehoods can have dire consequences and all will eventually be revealed. Honesty however, is daring to see the truth in yourself and in others. The truth will set you free, also from lies.


Therefore, be sincerely honest in your life to yourself and to the other. Speak and do only the truth, and be the example. Our great example is Christ, He IS the great Truth. There are no lies and falsehoods in Christ, but only the pure Truth.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Many people have enjoyed the winter weather and were able to have fun being outside. This is also very necessary so that they can come more in relaxation after such long movement restrictions. Despite everything, it is important to continue to see the joy in things in your life.


Staying connected to Christ will help with this, because when you are connected with Him, you stay out of fear, tension and struggle. Then you can be in quiet, relaxation, peace and joy, because then you are in His Love and Grace field where there is only silence.


By going into that silence and staying there as long as possible, all fear, anxiety, uncertainty and strife within you dissolve in the Light of Christ. So whenever you feel that you are being pulled out of relaxation and quiet again, tune in to Christ again and to His Loving silence.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Often you may want to give love to everything and everyone, but not to yourself. However, it works differently, because you will first have to be that love, before you can give it to others. When you walk the way to Christ, you will find out what True Love is. That is not earthly love, which can turn into hatred from one moment to the next.


That is the dual love of god in you, because that is love and hate, peace and war,
man and woman etc. that god plays through you. When you get to know the real Love that is of Christ, then you come to know that it is Unconditional and can receive everyone and everything, it asks nothing in return, you do not have to do anything for it.


For the Great Gracious Unconditional Love of Christ flows through all life and is constant. With Christ there is no duality, only Unity. As soon as you accept the Love of Christ and want to become like Him, that Love will also Radiate from you, and you can then share it with everything and everyone.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


To be As Christ every day; Graceful, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful, and Patient, does take some practice and commitment for a human being. For centuries we have been living according to the patterns that god has set in us, and have therefore become further removed from Christ.


Today, more and more people are Waking Up and wanting to know the real truth about themselves and everything around them. For centuries people have been cheated, lied to and misled. By Waking Up and getting up, they start to see that, and also where the cause lies.


That god plays everyone with his thoughts, feelings and emotions and wants people to think it is theirs, while it is god who plays that through everyone. By lovingly letting go of god in ourselves, we no longer play in his game, and it becomes increasingly quiet in us.


Then we will discover again that there is something else in us, the Spirit, the Christ in us. By constantly focusing your attention on Christ in you, god in you dissolves. Then you are only that beautiful Light Being that you already were, but did not know anymore.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Everyone walks their path here on earth, based on their consciousness, which determines how they live their lives. If they choose to walk the path to Christ, their consciousness grows enormously, they then develop Spiritually, which is not really found on earth, only with Christ.


This also gives them insights into their lives, and they can understand why their life is going the way it is. By developing in Spirit, a lot will also change in their lives. They come to see that many causes of things, come from within themselves. If they then take responsibility for their own behaviour, a lot changes in them and their surroundings.


With the help of Christ, they can then walk a completely different path, the path to the real Truth and Life. This makes them healthier and happier. And that is what everyone wants right, not only for themselves, but also for the other. Until everyone is willing to go that way, then we are Home with Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Changes take place in everyone's life every day. However, all those changes in the world are now happening at a rapid pace. People do not get the chance to get used to something, or the next thing is there already. This can cause fear, anxiety, uncertainty and even struggle.


People are rebelling against the measures being taken, or against governments, and are ready to fight for freedom. However, battle does not solve anything and only makes it more.


Only when people want to Wake Up, will they discover that it is not the way out of all that misery and that the struggle is within themselves. The only way out of this is Christ. For He IS only Graceful, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient.


When people are willing to live like Christ, there is no more war, fear, turmoil, and uncertainty. Then there is peace and love in everyone's heart, and they can see that the Christ is in all life and all people.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


During his years on earth, Jesus showed what simplicity is, and came to Redeem everything and everyone. He was undemanding, wanted nothing from the world, and just showed everyone and everything how to walk The Way Home. He was there for the less fortunate, the poor, the sick and the lonely.


His heart was filled with the Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace and Patience of his Father who is Christ.
Christ shone through him, through which he could heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons, he was completely filled with Christ. He did not want wealth or splendour, he lived in simplicity.


He atoned for us on the cross for all our sins, to rise again As Christ and showed us how we too can come Home to Christ, he has paved the way for us. If we walk the way to Christ that Jesus has shown us, by letting go of and transcending the matter and soul, the creation of god, we can make the step towards the Spirit who is Christ in Eternity.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


If you want love and peace in your life and in your surroundings, you will first need to have love and peace in yourself. This means that you can look in your heart and also in your own mirror, to see if you are already loving and peaceful, or if there is still hatred and strife in you. As long as that is still there, there can be no love and peace in your heart.


When you have decided to do something about this, you want to Wake Up and know the Truth, also about yourself. By choosing the path to Christ, you will come to know the Truth. Then you also find that you are actually not a victim in certain situations, but that you were the perpetrator in another life.


When you understand that, you can look at your life differently, gain insights, so that you can let go of all the old, anger, fear, struggle, etc. in yourself, so that there is room for love and peace. Christ would like to help you with this and take the whole load from you, if you want to surrender to Him and walk the path to Christ Home.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Many people suffer from the measures taken in connection with corona. Most people are still ignorant and believe what they are told, which puts them in great fear, stress, chaos, insecurity and under psychological pressure.


Only when they want to Wake Up and search for the Truth, will they begin to understand what is going on. These people are then also open to explanation and help. You beloved can guide these people and show them the way out of the chaos, and that is only Christ.


There they will come to know the pure Truth and see that in god's creation is only duality, strife, lies and deceit. They then learn to walk the path to Christ and to develop Spiritually so that the Light can grow within them. For only the way to Christ leads Home, where there is always Grace, Peace, Joy, Unity, Light and Love.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


It is not easy for the children at this time, they grow up with face masks around them, keeping their distance, no school and friends, grandfathers and grandmothers who are not allowed to come together, etc.


Older children and young adults are also not allowed to come together in groups and have no prospect of a job, making the future uncertain. This is very depressing for them, causing many to fall between the cracks. All children need attention, love, and touch right now. This also applies to all people, who also miss all this very much.


Yet there are also children who are born on earth with a mission, they come to bring the Love and the Light back to earth and will show this to their parents and everyone.


Christ knows and sees all this and is present with all children and all people. It is up to the people themselves whether they also want to choose Christ.


Then He can help them much better, because then they have asked to be helped by Christ. All children are protected by Christ wherever they are, including all people if they choose to choose Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Committing yourself daily to the Light, Love and Peace, is connecting daily with Christ. By always attuning to this, you stay in your Light and connected to Him. You have made the choice to walk the path to Christ in the End Times, to show god and all his creatures The Way Home in words, deeds and being.


It is not easy to do that, for your choice must be serious so that you can be an example unwaveringly to all ignorant souls. Many around you may think you are strange, others may make fun of you. But then realise that Christ had to endure this alone 2,000 years ago, yet He remained Graceful, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful, and Patient in all circumstances.


He showed The Way Home to god and all his creatures. Now beloved, you are doing it together with Christ and are in great numbers, to put down, together with Christ, a very Great Grace Light to free all souls including god.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


There are plenty of opportunities to choose Christ, it only takes a moment. It is never too late to make this important decision, and it is never too late to Wake Up.


With Christ there is no time, judgment, punishment, or expectations. Christ patiently waits for another soul to choose to Wake Up and walk the Way Home. There is no compulsion or must with Christ, no hope or desire. Christ just IS, Graceful, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient.


If you choose Christ, He will walk the path with you and if you stumble, He will lift you up and He will carry you. For Christ is our Savior and Great Redeemer. We just have to believe and trust in Him. He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the real Life in Glory. The decision to go to Christ is there every second. Christ is ready to welcome you Home with Him with open arms.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Ask yourself every day what you want to start with and what you want to be connected with, because your day will pass according to your choice. Do you still want to be connected with the world around you, with god and his creation, or with Christ?


Do you still value all kinds of beautiful things around you? Then you are still connected with the world and with god. Then god can also play through you with thoughts, feelings and emotions. In this time you can then be dragged along in the fear, uncertainty and chaos.


Only when you choose Christ and connect with Him, will you experience quiet, love, peace and joy. Christ is the only way out of all fear, chaos and doubt. When you have put your life in the hands of Christ, believe and trust Him, you are in His Light and protection, and all darkness will stay away from you.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Being able to experience peace and freedom is a great asset. For years and now still, we people have been told that we live in relative peace and freedom in Europe. Is that true? Around us, war has continued and continues in other countries, in which our country also participates, under the guise of peacekeeping missions.


Where people were and are being murdered and driven from their area, and thus flee to another country, hoping to live peacefully there. But even there they are more like prisoners and are not treated nicely. In order to be able to see and experience peace and freedom, you will first have to resolve the war and dissatisfaction within yourself.


Christ can and will gladly help you and support you in letting go of all this in yourself. So that you can experience the peace and freedom and can Radiate that to everyone. Because True Love, Peace, Freedom and Grace comes from Christ within you, which you can then Radiate from the inside out together with Christ. If all people can do this, there will be no more war.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


If you want to know the pure Truth of life, it can only be found with Christ. Because only He Is that Truth of Life and Being. Only that Truth can Redeem everything and everyone.


Especially now in this time, which is full of lies and deceit, there is no truth in the world. Only by going to your heart and connecting with Christ will you get to the real Truth. The Truth about everything will be Revealed in this End Time.


This could be a great shock for the ignorant, because they have been lulled to sleep and believe everything the media presents them. Only when their soul wants to Wake Up, will they look for the Truth within themselves. The way inwards in their hearts, where they will find Christ and regain the Truth about themselves.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Beloved, as you know, the time to make the choice within yourself now is running out. Do you want to stay in creation and in the world, on the Titanic of god that is sinking? Or do you want to stand with both feet on the Lightship of Christ?


There is absolutely no time left to delay your decision, that time is over, it is best to make your choice now. If you choose the Titanic, you know that you will go down in the destruction that god has planned, so afterwards he can start over. Nothing and no one remains, god also destroys himself.


If you choose the Lightship of Christ, you are in Spirit, where there is Truth, real Life, Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace, Joy and Unity. Ask in your heart where you want to be, whether you will go down in destruction or let yourself be Redeemed by Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Even though the storm is blowing harder around you, stay in the rest and relaxation tuned into Christ. Keep focusing on the return of Christ in everything and everyone and the Redemption that is near.


Then you can stay in peace and do not go along with the fear and confusion around you that will only increase. You cannot and do not have to save anyone, however much you would like to, it will not work. You do not have to talk or convince them either, because they will not believe you.

They will come to you of their own accord if they want to know more or be helped, because only then will they be open to it. Only set the example in your behaviour as Christ and Radiate the great Grace Light of Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Because of all the measures that are now being taken, more and more people are becoming isolated and lonely, sad or depressed. They miss the contact and touch of family, loved ones or friends. The young people in particular have a lot of difficulty with this and are slowed down in their development.


Only waking up and understanding the game that is being played offers a way out, which leads to Christ. When people come to know the pure Truth, they are no longer afraid and lonely because then they know that Christ is by their side, supporting and protecting them.


Only the way to Christ in the 0 point is the way out of the creation of god, who is now dying. With Christ you stand on His Light Ark where the real Life and Truth is, the great Grace and Love. So what are you waiting for?


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


As long as there is still a struggle within yourself, you will experience it around you. Struggle will not solve anything, strife and protest will only multiply. By first go inwards in yourself, daring to look in the mirror and becoming aware of your own behavior, you begin to become aware of where the cause is.


If you connect with Christ and place your life in His hands, He will help you resolve the battle in you and all your other sins. Only then can peace come into your heart, and you will behave more peacefully and lovingly.


This immediately has a major effect on everything and everyone around you. Then you Radiate peace and love, and you can be an example for your surroundings. By continuing to develop with Christ by your side, you are on the path to becoming As Christ, Gracious, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful, and Patient.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Even though the darkness on earth is rapidly increasing, Christ is very close by. All those who have two feet on the Ark of Light of Christ can rejoice, because His return is near in everyone. The people who linger a little longer or do not believe that we are in the middle of the End Time, will start to experience it, if they have not chosen Christ completely.


Because He is the only Redemption from all the misery now and all that is to come, because it seems that god is just going to continue his End Time game. But you beloved, who stand powerfully in the Christ Light, we ask to Radiate your Light powerfully so that everything may be touched by the Light of Christ. Be Gracious, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful, and Patient to your neighbors, for they too are played by god.


We may also be Graceful and Loving to god, because he also no longer knows the way out and therefore does and wants to do what he has always done: play out his game, which destroys himself, to then start a new game again. But Christ is now very close and just like that He can change everything and give Grace to everyone.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


By letting go of more and more pieces in yourself, pieces that god can still play with in you, there will be more and more room for the Light of Christ. As a result, it will become more and more peaceful and quiet in you and you can better hear the soft voice of Christ in you.


This will also make you Radiate more and more Light, so that everything and everyone around you is touched with the Light. By realising that Christ is present in everything and everyone, you can look at it differently and you no longer react to what someone says or does to you, because you know that god is still playing through him/her.


By not reacting to it anymore, it automatically weakens because it no longer receives nutrition. By continuing to see the Christ in the other, over and over again, you will be able to do this more easily. For the Christ in the other is only Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace and Patience, just like the Christ in you.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


If you can be in simplicity, without expectations, wishes and wants, you are walking the path to Christ. For Christ has no expectations, wishes and wants nothing, He is simple, Gracious, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient. Those are the four pillars to become and be as Christ in every situation and circumstance.


The narrow path straight ahead is the shortest way to get to Christ. It is a conscious choice to walk that path and does require commitment and perseverance, because it changes your life. You let go of all the old and walk a new path that leads to Redemption.


The farther you walk the path, the clearer it becomes to you, and you will discover that Christ has taken all those heavy burdens away from you, just because of your choice to walk the path to Him. He then grants you Grace and washes away all sins from you. You may then start with a clean slate, without heavy loads, and develop into a beautiful Radiant Light Being.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


So many lies are being told and repeated to the people today until they come to believe it. However, there are also people who do not believe this and know that it is all nonsense and see through all of it. You beloved also know how it all works, you are well aware of everything.


Someday the Truth will come to light, the real Truth. For the real Truth that is Christ will Deliver and Redeem all. The real Truth is Christ, who is present in all life, He is also in god, even if god does not want to see it and denies it. The Spirit is in all life, which is the True Life and the great Love. For only Christ is the way to Redemption, Grace, Love, Peace, Rest and Joy.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


In these troubled times, it is important to stay close to yourself in your heart with Christ. To help your loved ones where you can, supporting with something, lending a listening ear, but above all, give a lot of Love. You do this by letting Christ work, speak, flow and Shine through you, then the person receives exactly what he/she needs.


By behaving like Christ; Graceful, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient, people will want to be around you as you Radiate Light and Peace. They have completely lost that in this time where they are in fear and despair. If they want to Wake Up, they will come to you automatically and you can show them the Way Home.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


What you pay attention to, you are connected to. Many do not realise this yet and are still sleeping. But those who have awakened will know this. When you focus on the world and everything that does or does not happen in the world, you are part of the world.


When you focus your attention only on Christ, on His Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace, Patience, Rest and Light, you will also be connected with it. When you start to realise that, you will understand things better in your life.


For what you give attention becomes more. Especially now in this End Time it is very important where you want to be and what you want to experience. The choice for Christ is the choice of Redemption, Freedom, Joy, Truth and Unity.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Every day we can make our choice again, which way we want to go in our life. You can fill in every day with whatever you want. Start each new day with gratitude, a smile, and joy. When you connect with Christ every time, you will feel His Love, Peace, Rest and joy flowing through you.


You can then pass this on to everything and everyone around you, for everyone needs a little joy again in this time. Do not get carried away in the world with all the fear, doubt, unrest, etc., but remain firmly connected to the Light of Christ. Then you will manage to stay out of the fear and unrest around you, because where there is Light, there can be no darkness. Continue to Believe and Trust in Christ and choose Redemption and Truth.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Being busy with your family, work etc. - i.e. the world - on a daily basis, and still being in Peace and Quiet with Christ, is quite a challenge at this time. For you are being pulled on all sides into the world to take your attention away from Christ.
But dear Lights, you have decided to be here on earth at this time and to bring back Love and Peace together with Christ. Christ has complete confidence in you, for you have made the choice and have taken the steps to handle all of this.
In addition, Christ is present at every step you take and He knows what you need. If you courageously continue to walk your path with Christ, As Christ, there is much that can be Enlightened and saved. Have Faith and Trust in Christ, but also in yourself that you can handle this.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Now is also a confusing time for children. Being locked up and all people around them wearing face masks. School closed, home school is now on the agenda, which causes a lot of stress for many parents. The children feel this, their regularity is completely messed up. Little or no contact with classmates.


For older children and young adults it is also quite a challenge, few or no internships where they can learn a trade, the prospect of a job is uncertain. Thus it is a difficult and complicated period for all who are still ignorant. Many hope it will return to normal after the vaccinations. You beloved, know what is to come and you can support such people and show them the way to the exit that is only Christ.


Carefully and step by step you can explain to them what is going on, and be the example and especially radiate your Light, then they will be able to become calmer and relaxed. Have patience and understanding for them and be Graceful, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient as Christ to these people.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Beloved, the time you are spending on earth right now is quite a challenge for many. Every day so much changes that it is almost impossible for a normal person to keep up. But you know what a time we are living in, a time that can be or will become very turbulent. The End Time is a turbulent time and if it is up to god, he wants to play his game to the end.


However, there are already so many people today who have woken up and know what is going on. There are many worldwide, and although the darkness may seem strong, the Light of Christ cannot be surpassed. All these people, just like you, are on the path to Christ, in order to radiate the Great Grace Light together with Christ over the whole world and all life, including god. Then everything and everyone is Redeemed in that Great Grace Light of Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


If you want to be in 100% Faith and Trust in Christ and have two feet on the Light Ark of Christ, you will have to be Obedient and Wise. Put Christ first in your heart and listen to that small voice in you, your conscience, the Holy Spirit. Then you know for sure that you are doing and saying the right things, and taking the right steps.


If you do not do that and you want to do your own will, and you do not take the previous seriously, you will go down in the third fall, with the antichrist. That will definitely not be a pleasant experience in this time. Because even if he promises you mountains of gold, he will eventually destroy you. Therefore be a Wise and Obedient bride of Christ, be VVV, EBOS-C and VVZ and behave like Christ. Then you stand firmly on the Ark of Light of Christ and you can go Home with Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


A large part of humanity is not yet Awake and is fooled and misled by the media. Another part of the people is starting to Wake Up and realise that what they are told is not all correct. A number of them rebel against all the rules that are imposed on them.


Humanity is being lied to, deceived, imprisoned and eliminated. At least that is gods plan to play out his game and create a new heaven and earth. But there is always still Christ and if you Believe and Trust in Him and you walk His Path, you will not be bothered by all that, and you can remain in peace and quiet. For struggle does not solve anything and only calls for more struggle.


Only the Behavior As Christ will be able to get you out of this state. By becoming like Him and Shining the great Grace Light to everything and everyone, so that god and all of his creation and creatures can be Redeemed and we can all go Home.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Even though the world is turbulent, fearful, restless and there is violence, by connecting with Christ you can be and remain in complete peace and quiet. You can then feel the pure joy of Life flowing through you, even if it is restless around you. You then stay out of the world, the creation of god.


Then you are connected with the Christ within yourself, whom you may love more than anything. In doing so, you may realise that Christ is present in all life and that you may also love this Christ in the other. Then there is no difference, no hatred, revenge, fear, struggle, etc.


Then there is only Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace and Patience. This is what humanity may start to see again, that at the core they are only Christ and they can start to live according to it. Then all conflict within them and around them will cease and Peace and Love can arise.


Mother Mary


Dear Light Family,


Everyone walks his or her path here on earth, consciously or unconsciously, to gain experiences, but certainly also to find their Way Home again after having been on earth for many lifetimes. Often after a long search they come to someone who shows them around a bit and sends them in a certain direction.


They have already noticed that they have not progressed any further with all those quests. They have then walked around in the lemniscate, the eight. When people meet the right people that can help them, they come to know that, and that the only way out is the middle of the eight, the 0 point where Christ is, the silence.


They learn that they walk in the PPP, personal, program, pattern as god programmed them to play his game. The only way out of this, out of the creation of god is Christ. For He is the Way, the Truth, and the True Life.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


To be honest with yourself is to really dare to look in your own mirror, to face your own shortcomings, your own actions and behavior and not blame the other. Then be brave and take responsibility for your own behavior. Then you have taken the first step towards self-healing and you have taken the path to Christ.


Christ will then help you to receive more insights, also to see that the other is the mirror in which you look. That what you see and experience is a part in and of you. That alone is a great revelation for yourself, it makes it much easier for you to forgive others and yourself.


For then you know that you are in the same situation together, until one of you is willing to make a change and choose the path to Christ. Thus, a major change can take place that will eventually allow you to heal together.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


By letting go of your personality, your ego, space within yourself becomes available and the Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace, Patience, Light and Joy of Christ can take its place, at least if you are willing to choose that. That goes step by step, each time you can let go of a little bit and allow more Light and Love in its place, so that you yourself may become increasingly Lighter.


When you walk the path to Christ, when you have carried yourself over to Him, He helps you with the cleansing within yourself. You then learn to walk a completely different path and learn to develop yourself in Spirit, which is much more important than studying in the material world and becoming an important person.


For if you do not develop in Spirit, you are actually dead, for only Spirit is the real Life, which is Christ in you. By developing yourself Spiritually, you come closer and closer to Christ, from whom you left a long time ago. Then you are on your way Home again, where Christ receives you with wide open arms.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Tuning in to Christ a few times a day will help you stay in your Light. By doing that, you will be able to do that more often and for longer. When you are in 100% Faith and Trust in Christ, everything in your life will go much easier and smoother. Believe and Trust that everything you need is brought on your path by Christ.


That you also do not have to wonder how certain things are to be resolved when you have put it in His hands, because everything is taken care of. Maybe not in the way you expect in respect of how and when. By being only in Faith and Trust in Christ you do not need expectations. Only rock-solid Trust.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


A new start has been made in the new year. A year in which you can decide for yourself how it will be and which way you want to walk. Especially now it is important to seriously consider this in yourself. Every new day you can and may choose what you want to do.


By realising the consequences of certain choices, it becomes increasingly clear to you. If you choose the world, you choose fear, violence, unrest, uncertainty, struggle, etc.


When you choose Christ, you choose the real Life and the real Truth. Where there is only Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace, Patience, Joy, Freedom and Unity. If that is clear to you, then the choice is no longer so difficult.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


To be in the now, in the 0 point, is to let go of the past and the future completely. Because only in the 0 point, where you are with Christ, is the pure Truth. The rest is illusion, lies and deception. In the beginning it will take a bit of practice to always be and stay in the 0 point, but it is just like exercising a muscle, it gets stronger and stronger.


You are then connected with Christ in peace, relaxation, and quiet at every moment and can hear His soft voice that leads you through your life. Then you are safe in His Light and in His hands and no darkness can reach you. By doing that, you stand firmly in the Light and can Shine with Christ to everything and everyone around you, so that they too can Awaken and you can go Home together.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


A lot can happen in a human life, nice things, but also less pleasant things. People learn from all these experiences and thus grow in consciousness. As long as they are not yet in contact with Christ, their lives can sometimes feel like a roller coaster, god then plays all kinds of games with them or puts them against each other, creating tension.


As soon as people realise that there is another way of life, they start looking. When they are willing to look inside themselves, take responsibility for their behavior, and listen inside themselves, they are already making a very big step. Then they can let themselves be guided by Christ, who is present in them in the form of their Conscience or the Holy Spirit.


By then taking the step of surrendering themselves to Christ and wanting to walk His path, they will find that they become more and more calm and relaxed, and walk the path to Christ to draw closer to Him, to develop Spiritually and to become Lighter and to start Shining.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Do you already know where you stand in your spiritual development? What and who do you believe and trust now? What is the Truth for you? All questions that we can ask ourselves to find out where you really stand. Especially nowadays it is important what you want to choose.


Everyone in the Light Family is very knowledgeable about how everything works and what is to come. We have all been warned and prepared. That is why it is important to ask within yourself which truth you want to stand for, and what choice will you make when it really comes down to it? Do you choose the Pure Truth which is only Christ?


Or will you be seduced by all splendour and grandeur, the world around you? Be sensible and stand with both feet on the Ark of Christ, be a mature responsible example, unity-conscious, reliable, unwavering, stable, constant and free, responsible and independent. Then together with Christ you radiate the Great Grace Light to Redeem all souls, including god.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


If you listen to your conscience you are well connected with Christ because He is that conscience and the Holy Spirit in you. Everyone has that conscience and the Holy Spirit in them, they just are not always aware of it or push it aside and do not want to listen to it.


If you ignore the good advice and directions of your conscience, you will sooner or later start to notice this because your life will no longer run smoothly. You have then stepped out of the flow of real Life that is Christ within you.


If you do connect with it and will listen to it, you will find that your life will become easier, for Christ will help you in all, because you have chosen to be connected with Him. Then the real Life, Christ, will flow completely through you again.


This makes you feel healthier, calmer, more peaceful and happier. This can only be found with Christ our great Redeemer. Therefore put your whole life in His Loving hands and give Him your heart, faith and trust.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Giving affection and attention to one another is important and necessary for many right now. Even though everything is tried to keep people apart, they are creative in finding solutions for this. One day they will come to know the Truth and know that they are never apart and always connected.


That they are actually all one in Spirit together with Christ. God's creation is a great illusion and mankind is taught this as truth. The only Truth is Christ, who was there from the beginning and always will be. The time is right for the Truth and everything will now be revealed in the End Times, so that the real Truth will be visible again.


The veils are removed from the people so that they can see and perceive the Truth again. That they recognise and acknowledge that Christ lives in them from the beginning, and is now going to be Reborn IN them, will awaken and can rise again and shine so that everyone can go Home with Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


This Christmas season people are looking for fun, togetherness, harmony, peace and Light. Especially in this End Time it is even more important to know again why Christmas is celebrated. That the baby Jesus was born for the sins of the whole world and came to bring Light to earth again, He the King, Messiah, Redeemer of all life.


This is to Enlighten the great darkness on earth and to show god and his creatures the way Home in words, deeds and being, so that everyone can also find their way Home. It is nice when mankind realises again why Jesus came to earth.


So much fuss has now been built around it that many consider that more important, causing the True story to fade into the background. You beloved know the way Home that Jesus showed and became like Christ again. We know that Christ is returning in everyone at this time and we rejoice in His coming, which will bring great Joy, Light and Redemption.


Then in a second, god, his creation and all creatures are Redeemed from darkness and suffering and can be in the great Grace Light of Christ where there is only great Grace, Love, Peace, Joy and Unity.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Beloved, in Spirit before you came to earth, you have voluntarily chosen to be here on earth at this End Time, to be a co-Redeemer. This is a very beautiful decision and it is up to the soul whether it really wants to accomplish it. The soul feels the inner call and knows consciously or unconsciously that it has a task on earth. When the soul follows that inner call, which is their conscience, the Holy Spirit in them, they walk the path to Christ and want to Wake Up.


Then they can keep their commitments that they have made in Spirit. They will feel that it gives them great joy because they know what a beautiful, but also very responsible task they are allowed to perform together with Christ, Mother Mary and many Saints and helpers of Christ. This in order to Shine a Great Grace Light together in Unity with many fellow Lights in the world, so that god, his creation and all creatures may be Redeemed.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


The reins are tightened in the world and humanity is getting less and less freedom as a result. Great lies are being told that put people in fear and confusion, which is also the intention of god, so that the antichrist can be welcomed.


Yet for you knowing ones this is a great illusion, only the ignorant believe all the lies that are repeated so often. But you beloved are awake and know the Truth and where to find that Truth. Therefore, be the example for all those ignorant people, remain strongly connected to Christ in peace and relaxation.


Show in words, deeds and being what it is like to be As Christ, then you will show all the ignorant people the way Home. For they will wonder why you are walking a different path than them, then they will ask you how that can be. Then tell them only the Pure Truth that Is Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


When you are in peace and relaxation you will notice that everything goes much easier and smoother. Then everything goes without much effort, because tension and effort cause contraction. As a result, the energy cannot properly flow through your body, through your muscles, blood vessels, nerves, etc. Then the flow of Life, that is so important, is blocked.


This also happens because of fear, which is very present now among the people in this End Time. Only contact with Christ can help you with this and bring you back to peace and relaxation. Continue to tune in to Christ and be patient with yourself. In His hands you are safe and protected.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Miracles happen every day if you just Believe and Trust that it is possible. We are all no longer used to being alert to the subtle things because we are too busy in the world. That does not mean they are not there.


Especially when you are connected with Christ, things can suddenly turn into the positive, because you want to work on yourself and be busy with Light. When you ask Christ for help for something, you also receive that help, just maybe not in the way you want it, or at the time you want it.


For Christ knows exactly what your soul needs and when. That is why it is good to be alert and to pay attention to directions by e.g. something someone tells you, or that you read something somewhere, or you hear a song. All this to make you more aware and to provide insight into your situation. You will always be helped by Christ if you ask, you can Trust that.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Man is initially Christ, god has hung veils around this, so that we no longer knew that there was a Spirit, Christ. Because he himself has denied Christ, he has fallen into his own creation story. He wanted to create a better Spirit than Christ who is his father.


As we all wake up, we know again that Christ is and always has been inside us. This causes the veil that god has hung before us to fall away. We begin to rediscover the real Truth and realise that Christ is present in us and all life.


That He is the only Way Home, by walking the Way Home we develop in Spirit. To eventually become As Christ in words, deeds and Being and spread His Living Word. We also know that Christ will soon come again and everything and everyone will be Redeemed in Grace.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Everything you would like to see around you, you will first have to do in yourself. Do you want to see love around you? Then you will first have to be loving yourself. Also, if you want to see peace around you, it means that you may also be peaceful within yourself first. When we realise that everything we see outside of us, comes from within, we realise that we can look within ourselves and change, in order to achieve the changes in our outside world.


Doing this with Christ will make it much easier, for He will help you with your own work of Redemption in you. This creates space in your soul so that you can allow Love, Peace and Light again. Christ will gladly fill you with this if you choose Him 100%.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


As you walk the way to Christ, it is helpful to take an honest look of yourself in the mirror from time to time. Are you really serious or only when it suits you? Do you dare to see your own shortcomings that someone else shows you? Because they are the mirror for you. And are you willing to do something about what you see there?


For you walk the way to Christ seriously and full of Faith and Trust in Christ. If you want to walk the way seriously, you will have to commit yourself 100%, and Christ will have to come 100% first in your heart. You are then willing to walk the path to Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace, Patience, Light, Joy and Unity. Christ will support you in everything and carry you through difficult parts, so that you can succeed in Being As Christ one day.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


It is said that we live in peace and freedom after WWII. But is that really so? Are we really free and at peace? This is only possible when you are that inside yourself, because you are the world. Everything inside you is reflected on the outside.


If you are peaceful and loving, you will experience that around you. Do you still have struggle in you, you will also encounter that around you. So, go inwards so you can make contact with the Holy Spirit in you, who is Christ.


He will help you clear your soul, so that you can let go of everything you no longer need. When you have surrendered to Christ, He will take away all your worries, sorrows, and hurts and will be by your side with every step you take. As a result, you are always safe and secure in the Light of Christ. Then you can walk the way to the real Truth, Peace and Freedom.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Developments in the world are moving at a rapid pace. People are not yet used to one thing or the next is already there. Many things happen at the same time, which is confusing for many. This is because they are still ignorant and believe everything that is said in the media.


Only when people want to Wake Up and face the Truth can something change for them. The Light of Christ keeps getting stronger and touches and Radiates through everything and everyone, so that they can Awaken earlier. This can provide insight into the situation of people and they will start to understand everything better.


If they choose the way inward to Christ, He can help them on their way, because they then open themselves up to Christ. Then they may feel the Grace, Love, Peace, Patience, Light and Joy flowing into them.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


There are many different loves in a human life. The love for a car, house, garden, etc., the material love. Then there is the love for your children, parents, family and friends, etc. 


There is also soul love, people notice this when they feel attracted to each other as a soul, and that love flows there. The real True Love can only be found with Christ, because His Love is Unconditional. He gives very generously and does not need anything in return.


That is the Spiritual Love, and when we become As Christ, we can love in this way too. Then you can love everything and everyone unconditionally and you do not need anything in return. We learn to love the Christ in ourselves and to love the Christ in the other. Then beautiful things happen, and the Unity can arise for you and everyone around you.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


As time goes on, the world becomes more and more grim. god still wants to continue his game, which now means destruction, himself and all life, to then start over again. You are now so awake that you know how everything works.


That Christ is also there to Redeem everything and everyone from the creation of god, including god. Beloved, be the example for all and remain firmly in your Light, connected to Christ. Trust that Christ is always with you, especially in difficult times.


Stay out of the fear so projected on all people, but Believe and Trust only in Christ. He guides you through everything so that you are always safe in His hands.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Even though there is anxiety and fear around you, do not make contact with it, but turn your attention to Christ. Allow Christ into your heart and into your life, for He is the Redeemer, the Messiah, only with Him you will find Peace, Quiet, Love and Grace. We know that Christ is coming soon now, we can look forward to that.


Redemption is for everyone, because Christ makes no distinction. His great Grace and Love is there for everything and everyone, including those who have gone off the path. Like god, many have forgotten who Christ is and that they have the Holy Spirit inside of them, which is Christ.


If they start to listen to the inner voice, their Conscience, the Holy Spirit inside them, they will be able to find their way Home again. Many are already gently being shaken up by Christ to stand up and go Home.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


The circumstances in the world force people to separate and keep their distance. They are less and less able to be together, support and cuddle each other, which makes them lonely. These are the things people need to stay healthy. People need the affection and touch of each other.


By connecting with Christ, you will never feel lonely or forsaken, for He is always by your side if you want to. You then also learn that you are connected with everyone in Spirit, and that we are all One. By walking the way Home with Christ, you also learn more and more to be as Him. 


Then you are in Peace and relaxed and you will no longer get carried away by the state of the world. You then get to know the real Truth, because the world is filled with lies. Christ is the True Life, Love, Grace and Truth. Because He is the only way Home.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


By having 100% Faith and Trust in Christ, you will get closer to the Truth. Then you will see and recognise this, also in yourself, when you have been able to let go of god completely. When you no longer have fears that god sends through you, but are completely free from them.


That alone feels like a great liberation, you then step out of suffering. For god has also put that program in everything and everyone, it is in fact his own fear. By seeing and experiencing this in ourselves, we can choose to let go of that completely.


Then we choose the great Grace, Love, Peace, Patience, Life and Light of Christ, which is the True Eternal Life. Then we come Home to Him who is our True Loving Father.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Even though there is fear, turmoil, doubt, confusion and darkness all around you, when you are connected to Christ you are in His Light, Love, Peace and Joy.
So fill yourself completely with it, so that you can pass it on to your loved ones, so that they too may feel this. 
They will begin to wonder how you can keep so calm and remain so joyful. For you then set a wonderful example of what it is like to be In Christ.


Being Gracious, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful, and Patient to all. Then Christ shines through you to everything and everyone, and they can also be touched by it in their spiritual hearts, so that they too can awaken if they want to. Christ is also waiting for them and will receive them with wide open arms in His Great Gracious Love.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Everything you encounter in the world around you is a mirror of yourself. Certainly your loved ones can reflect you well, they show exactly where you still have something in your soul that can still be worked out. When you know this, you deal with it very differently and the other person is not guilty of anything.


You can also get mirrored something from a previous life, you probably fled from it, denied it or fought against it. Now you know how it works, you know that these pieces in yourself can heal, and then you will no longer encounter that around you. It really is: improve the world and start with yourself.


Once you want to take responsibility for your life, you are on the path to heal. If you do this together with Christ, it will be much easier, because He takes everything over from you, so that you can go on without a load. That is His Great Grace if you have entrusted yourself completely to Him.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Now that the tension is building around you, it is of great importance to stay relaxed daily. Ask Christ for help with this, for when you are relaxed, it is also easier to stay in Peace and Quiet, through which you can also stay tuned in with Christ.


The anxiety, tension and fear will only increase. Stay out of it and do not get carried away. It is now happening at a rapid pace, everything changes every day. This increases insecurity among people.


Therefore, be the example for your loved ones in Peace and relaxation, so that they can also become more Peaceful. For fear drives people to despair. god is busy continuing his game. Therefore, connect tightly to Christ, so you can remain Peaceful and calm whatever happens around you.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Due to all the strict rules, more and more people are becoming lonely, stressed, anxious, depressed and insecure. Especially now, they need the support and attention of each other. Loving service is very important now.


People are also willing to help and support each other, but are held back by the rules. Yet many people will also find a way out of that. This is prompted by their conscience or by the Holy Spirit within them.


If they pay more attention to this and listen to it, they will Awaken, because they will listen to the voice of Christ. In this gentle way, Christ slowly Awakens them, so that they realise that the world they live in is a big illusion. That the real Truth and the real Life can only be found with Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Beloved, you are preparing for the great projects that lie ahead. You can trust that you are ready now, after much work you have done in and for yourself. We are very grateful to you for daring to walk the way, and thank you also for your perseverance to always go for it every day.


You are also very aware of what it is all about, and why it is necessary that you now become strong and Light to handle the tasks that lie ahead. It is a very beautiful task that you can do together with us; the Redemption and Enlightenment of many souls and bringing them Home to Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


The Grace of Christ is enormous and encompasses all life. All life is included in it, because Christ is present in all life. The Grace of Christ is the greatest Love there is and Christ bestows this on everything and everyone.


We who walk the path to Christ, learn step by step to become As Christ. Through trial and error, we walk the path where Christ guides us every step of the way. We are never alone when we truly only choose Christ. He is always at our side and available to advise and assist us.


In addition, He has great Patience with us and we can do everything at our own pace. With every step we take, we come closer to Christ and become Lighter the further we develop. Until we may be As Christ; Gracious, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful, and Patient, then we Are Home.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Introspection is important if you want to know where you stand in your spiritual development and to accept this in all honesty. Because everyone develops in their own way and pace.


There is no right or wrong, it is about your intention and whether you really want to walk the path to Christ. For if you really want it, then you are fully committed to this and you have no doubt, and you are determined. In the beginning you will still get opposition from god, because he absolutely does not like it when a soul wants to go to the Light again.


But if you are determined to develop in your Spirit, you will become stronger and Lighter and god can play with you less and less. It is up to you what you want and what you choose.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Souls everywhere are ready to be Redeemed in great numbers. Many souls have been imprisoned for years and they know and feel that now is the time when they have the opportunity to be Redeemed. This is already happening in many places where you beloved, tune in to.


Also through all the support groups that have joined Christ, many souls can be reached. Because of this many places are already being Redeemed and Enlightened together with Christ. This will only increase in the coming Light Missions.


So there are more and more Light spots in the body of god, but there are also very many places where it is still very dark. By staying firmly in your Light, you can also bring the Light here with Christ and Redeem many souls. All this is only possible if you are a Mature Responsible Example and Unity-conscious, Reliable, Unwavering, Stable and Constant in your Light at any time.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Every day is a new challenge to stay in your Light no matter what is happening around you. And every day there will also be an attempt to take you out of the Light and back into the world through temptations and distractions.


Only if you seriously choose to walk the path to Christ, will you be able to resist the temptations more and more, and become more and more firmly in your Light. By attuning yourself to Christ every time, you can practice to be and remain connected for longer.


Then it becomes quieter in you and god gets less and less chance to play with you through thoughts, feelings and emotions. That silence alone feels like a redemption when there is no more chatter in your head. Therefore, beloved, stay in your Light all the time. You are all much needed at this time to become a co-Redeemer together with Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


The changes are now taking place on a large scale around the world. Changes for which many were unprepared. That is why many people experience fear, panic, stress, insecurity and worry. Many also do not know that we are living in the End Time and what this means. Many have also forgotten that there is and always has been Christ and He lives IN them.


god has put up the veils here too to keep everyone away from Christ. Especially in this day and age it is important that people know who Christ is and that He will now soon return IN everyone. All people are kept away from this by all kinds of events in the world, distracting them from the Great Beautiful that awaits us.


god knows that when all people know again who Christ is, and they follow His way, his game is over and all people can go Home if they want to. This also applies to god if he is willing to choose that and finally stops playing. Then god and all his creatures and creation are Redeemed in 0 seconds.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Resignation ensures that people stay asleep and do not want to wake up. All the events in the world should actually wake them up so that they start to wonder whether what is happening is normal. This is also a choice that everyone makes for him/herself and is allowed to make.


People who do notice this and who wonder why all this is happening, also see that what is presented is not all true. These people are awakening and would like to get out of this situation. 


The only way out of this is Christ. If they allow Christ back into their hearts, they are on the right track. Then He can gently guide them so that they can awaken further. Christ also has patience with these souls and will never force or punish anyone. With Christ everyone is in safe hands and He also prefers to take everyone Home.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


When people go about their daily lives, they do not know who they are attuned to, to Christ or to god. This is because they are still totally ignorant and therefore do not know the difference. They live their life thinking it is normal the way it is and they are unaware that there is another way.


Until they wake up and realise that there is a very big difference. In the beginning it will be a little difficult to see what god does to all of us, because we have learned that god is loving and all powerful, but also judges.


When you come to know the Truth, it can feel like a kind of shock because the whole story of god falls to pieces. For only Christ is the Truth, the Way and the True Life. Christ is Gracious, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient, a true Loving Father who Truly loves everything and everyone.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Many words are spoken, many thoughts are thought. If you start to pay attention to what you think and who is thinking through you, you start to become alert. Because it is god who sends thoughts, feelings and emotions through you and wants you to believe that they are yours.


As soon as you walk the path to Christ and you are explained what the real Truth is, you will see that too. Because the real Truth is from Christ and when you are connected to Christ, there is no more chatter in your head, but there is Peace and Quiet.


Only when you choose fully for Christ, god can no longer play through you and it becomes more and more quiet and silent in yourself. Because of that Peace and Quiet you can better hear the voice of Christ, who is the Holy Spirit in you, as well as your conscience, and you can let it guide you.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


As many roads lead to Rome, there is only one road that leads to Christ. That is the way from Truth to Unity. There is no Truth in god's creation, only deception, lies and deceit. For thousands of years people have been held captive in this and kept away from the Truth by the veils that god has hung over all people.


When man begins to awaken, tears appear in the veils. When they have found the way to Christ again, Christ removes the veils from them, so that they may experience the real Truth again. Then they can go the Way Home, the Way to Christ, where Redemption, Freedom, Grace, Love and Unity await them.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Everyone needs the presence of other people around them, especially family and loved ones. Touching is also very important, to comfort or embrace or help each other. This is made very difficult for the people today. Because contact and Love for each other ensures that the immune system remains stronger.


In Spirit, however, we are all intimately connected, which many will not yet know or understand. So beloved, radiate your Love and Light strongly so that everyone around you may be touched in their Spiritual hearts, so that they too may awaken. Then they realize that they are being played with. As they come to you, you can explain, point out, and show them the Way Home to Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


The True Love of Christ is the Unconditional Love of Christ. This Love of Christ is inexhaustible and has been given to all life to receive. If we have 100% Faith and Trust in Christ, the question is whether we also feel so much Love for Christ and can actually be in love with Him. We may also give this beautiful Love to all Christs in everyone and also Believe and Trust the Christ in their Christ.


This is a process that we can all grow towards in order to come into full Unity with Christ and with each other. For Christ is present in all life in the form of the Holy Spirit and therefore also the Conscience in us. When we are willing to listen to and act upon our Conscience within us more, we will draw closer and closer to Christ and eventually become like Him.


This can only be seen in your behavior according to the 4 pillars of Christ, Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace and Patience and also being an Adult Responsible Example, as well as being Unity-Conscious, Reliable, Unwavering, Steadfast and Constant. This way you can be a great example to everyone around you.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Every day is a gift to be able to grow further in the Light. To experience everything in order to learn from it. You may try again and again, because Christ has infinite patience with you.


Christ also knows that at some point you will arrive at Him after a long search. He also knows exactly what you need to be able to develop further so that you can grow in your Light. 


He walks this road with you and picks you up again if you should fall. The Love of Christ is so very great, He loves all life, everyone is equal to Him and He lives as the Holy Spirit in all life. If a human being wants to awaken, the Light will burn more and more brightly, especially if he/she is walking the way to Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


At this time emotions can run high in and among people. This is because of the corona situation, whereby people are separated from each other, where people become unemployed and cannot plan a future. This causes frustration for many, causing them to take it out on each other. Poverty and hunger also come into play as a result and consequence.


Only Christ is the way out of this situation, which for Christ is a great illusion and therefore does not actually exist and is completely untrue. The only Truth is Christ and with Him the real Life is to be found. If you have given Christ your life, you have nothing to fear and He will take care of you, whatever you need you will receive. With Christ you can find peace and relaxation and Gracious Love. You can believe and trust that.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


When we see other people, we actually see all faces of god playing a game together that god has programmed in them. Yet in all those people there is Christ and because of that a Light shines in every human being and in all life.


With one it is a small dim Light and with the other a big Light. It is the Holy Spirit that is in all life, when you connect with it, so connect with Christ in you, you actually connect with that little Light within yourself.


By connecting with Christ in you, carrying yourself over to Him and learning to become like Him, your Light will shine more and more. Until you have become As Christ and together with Him may radiate a Great Grace Light to be able to help redeem all souls.


Mother Mary


Dear Light Family,


Only by being in relaxed Peace and Quiet is it possible to stay well connected with and in Christ. When you allow yourself to be seduced by the world around you, you go along with the flow of unrest, fear, doubt, uncertainty, illness, etc. Then you have stepped into the storm that sucks you into misery.


That is why it is so very important to choose 100% for Christ at this time, because He is the only way out of all that misery. Only you yourself can do this by standing with 2 feet on the Ark of Christ and standing there steadfast in Faith and Trust.


You do this not only for yourself, but also for your husband, wife, children, grandchildren, family and friends. Because if you can stay in that Light of Christ, even though it storms around you, they are all safe with Christ in His arms.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


By learning to be Loving to yourself again and also learning to Love yourself, a lot of healing will take place in yourself. Because everyone knows self-blame, feeling guilty and not being good enough. Now we know that these are also all games of god in us, which he plays with us through our emotions, feelings and thoughts.


If we can let go of god in ourselves with Love and choose fully for the Christ in us, he will be able to exert less and less influence on us, so that he may also dissolve in that Love of Christ in us. For the Love of Christ is Gracious Love, which He also gives to the god in us.


god no longer knows what that Love of Christ is and no longer knows what it feels like. god is very lonely and actually needs that Gracious Love of Christ. god can receive all that from Christ when he opens his heart again to Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Every day people are overwhelmed with media reports that contain lies that scare people. They become stressed and see their future shattered. By believing this, humans are gentle lambs that can easily be manipulated and steered in one direction.


Do not fall for this, beloved, stay out of that story completely, because it will make people sick and unhappy. If you stay on the Path to Christ, and Believe and Trust in Him, have Him first in your heart, then you can stay out of that whole story of what is going on in the world.


You then stay with Christ in His Light and you are in the eye of the storm that is raging around you. Then you can stay in Peace and Quiet, totally protected and relaxed.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


The proximity of a loved one, family or friends contributes to the health and joy of life in people. Today they are separating and turning people against each other. That is part of the End Time game of god.


If you believe in that story what they are trying to tell you, you are completely sucked into it and all those things then also happen to you. Unless you only Believe in Christ and His Truth, then you Believe in a completely different story, which is positive.


Because with Christ in His story there is only mention of Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace, Patience, Unity, Light, Joy, Health and Quiet. So which story do you want to Believe in? If you still believe in the story they want you to believe in the world, you will only experience fear, loneliness, worries, uncertainty, chaos, illness, etc. Only when you choose Christ will you be spared all this.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


When you are As Christ, you are besides being Gracious, Unconditionally Loving and Peaceful, also very Patient. Not only patient with yourself, but also with the people around you. Especially with the ignorant you can have a lot of patience, and over and over again answer their questions and explain everything.


By demonstrating in your behavior what it is like to be As Christ, they will notice this. Especially in these end times when everyone is made fearful and therefore sees their future uncertain. They will start to wonder how it is possible for you to stay so calm and without fear. Then they will ask you how that is possible.


As a result, they open themselves to receive the Truth and they come to see that they are being lied to, deceived and consciously frightened. By telling them the True story and introducing them to Christ, they too are touched in their hearts by the Grace of Christ. Then slowly their hearts can open again to Christ.


Mother Mary




Dear Light Family,


Even if it is very turbulent and restless around you, do not go with it but reconnect yourself in your heart with Christ. There all that anxiety, fear, and uncertainty cannot touch you, providing you have Faith and Trust in Christ.


By tuning into Christ again and again, you stay in His Light. Then you are calm, relaxed and still, you are in the eye of the storm. If you put a foot out of that center, you will be sucked into the storm again. This is the same when you are standing with Christ on His Ark.


When you then set a foot on the Titanic again, which is the world, you go down with it when the Titanic sinks. So you may very well realise where you want to be. With Christ you are safe, in freedom, joy and security, because Christ lives in us all.


If you choose to go down with the Titanic, it will not feel so good, you will be literally and figuratively sucked down into the deep darkness. What do you choose?


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Only when you are with Christ will you experience true Freedom that cannot be found anywhere else. Because with god you are trapped in space and time, body and soul, in his creation. You then continuously turn your circles in the 8, to make a new round after an incarnation in the game of god. This game of god can only stop if you choose to step out in the middle of that 8, because there is Christ. God will not like that if he loses another toy, because he wants to keep playing with everyone.


He will also do everything possible to keep you in his game. If you are As Christ and are Steadfast and Reliable, and behave like Him, then god has no chance anymore to influence you, because then you are in the Light of Christ. When you yourself have become As Christ, he can no longer reach you, because then you are that Great Grace Light which then shines through god and he can no longer do anything with you. Together with Christ, we may do everything we can to Redeem god from his own misery.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


If you allow Christ into your heart and let Him come into your life, you will feel His great Love through you in your heart. The great Gracious Love that will warm and embrace you like a warm blanket. When you put your life completely in His hands, situations and people will come your way that will help you further, so that you can grow in your Light.


Through the experiences you gain, you learn to deal with everything differently and you gain insights and you will know what the pure Truth is. Christ Is that pure Truth and certainly also His pure Word that we may learn to understand and proclaim to those around us who want to hear it. Then you will see that the world we live in is not the Truth, where lies, unrest, fear and confusion reign. With Christ only Quiet, Love, Peace and Joy can be found.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


When you are in stress, the Life Stream of Christ cannot flow through you. Then it can be that you will suffer from blockages, which in turn cause physical complaints. By learning to relax, Life can flow through you again, so that your health can increase again.


Sometimes when you are ill or have physical complaints, you do not notice that relaxation can be the key to health. In addition, now in the world people are very scared, which certainly leads to blockages, which weaken the immune system because people get cramped by the fear.


Christ is the great solution and Savior in all of this. By being attuned to Him and walking His way with Him, you can be in peace, relaxation and stillness, even though there is so much anxiety and fear around you. When you choose fully for Christ, you step out of space and time and you are in Spirit, in Christ, where none of that exists. There is only Peace, Quiet, Love, Light and Unity. What are you waiting for? The choice is yours.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Major changes are imminent in the world. Changes that won't be nice for the ignorant. It is highly advisable to stand even more firmly in your Light in the coming period and to really choose Christ. 


Because only on His Ark are you safe and protected. As you know, the worldly Titanic is going down. By radiating your beautiful Lights and setting the example, many more ignorant will be able to awaken and also go Home.


Christ has promised Grace to all and will fulfill it. It is up to each of you to believe this, believe that Christ is nothing but Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace and Patience. He will never judge or punish, that is only from god. Christ just IS, His great Love encompasses all life.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


The world is currently in chaos, which is increasing. Beloved, do not go along with it, but remain strong in your Light with Christ. Give no attention and time to the darkness, because when you focus your attention on something, it grows.


Keeping your focus on Christ alone will keep you in the Light. You can stay alert to this every day. Continuing to connect yourselves together in Unity with Christ, ensures that a very powerful Light field is created and you can therefore perform beautiful Lightwork together with Christ.


Because choosing Christ 100% and staying with both feet on His Ark, ensures that you are able to do such beautiful Lightwork with Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Beloveds, as you have grown up, you may realise that you now have great freedom but also a great responsibility, for you have been assigned great tasks. You are now preparing to go Go East, which you are doing with much Joy and Love.


It already has a great effect when you tune in together. Many souls are already waiting to be Redeemed, the Light is already arriving well in all those places. People are already being touched in their hearts and feel that it is changing.


Also, now you realise that Christ has already Returned in you and that He has already Resurrected in you and is Reborn in you. Christ has always been in you, but now you have grown to the point where you are now also willing to believe it and realise that it is really so. That you are intimately connected with Christ in you.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Many are still looking for a way out of all unrest, fear and uncertainty. They do not yet know that the way to Christ and that He is the only way out to be Free and Redeemed. For He is our Savior and Messiah, the great Gracious Love.


Christ has already been Reborn in all of us, and has always been in us, only we no longer knew that, because of all those veils that have been hung before us. These, beloved, have dissolved for you so that you can be Pure like Christ again.


This makes you the best examples for those who are still ignorant. By radiating your Light with Christ, you Enlighten the path for them so that they can find the way out. Then they can go hand in hand with you to Christ, so walk Home.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


When you walk through your life with Christ, you experience peace, tranquility, relaxation and a lot of joy. By being well attuned to Christ, He can flow through you with His great Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace, Patience, Light and Joy.


This allows you to see whether or not you are connected with Christ. If you are not connected to Christ, you may feel sad, nervous, sad, anxious, insecure, etc. By making your own choice in this, you can know from what you experience which choice you have made.


Even if you have not chosen Christ, the door to Him is always open and you are always welcome. Christ knows that sooner or later you will find your way Home to Him again. Perhaps it is much nicer to take the shortest way Home straight away, to the Rest and Glory that you will find only with Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


If you walk the path to Christ it can be narrow, steep and bumpy, it is not a wide smooth path. By walking it, you will encounter your own bumps that you can step over. For when you have turned yourself over to Christ, you bring all of this to Him, after which He takes away your entire load, including your bumps and everything related to it.


This can be anything from this, but also from past lives. Letting go of your I (ego) is not that easy either, because we have let it direct all of our lives. That is actually the god in us, if you walk the way to Christ, god will not like that very much and will want to stop you, because you are part of his game. For you that means liberation from the prison of space and time and you can go Home with Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


If you listen to your Conscience and do what is said, you let Christ guide you. For like the Holy Spirit, your Conscience is the voice of Christ in you. It will let you know right away when you want to go the wrong way and ask you if it is wise or useful if you do so. If you do it anyway, the consequences are also for yourself, because you were warned.


That is why it is wise to listen to that voice in your heart, it only wants to send you back on the way to Christ. Christ leads you to those places and people that are necessary for your growth and development. You may learn and experience from this so that you can grow in Spirit towards the Light of Christ.


The Holy Spirit who has lived in you from birth directs you, but you forgot that it lives in you. To make contact with it again every day brings you back to the right path, The Way Home To Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

It is important to ask yourself every day whether you are still well connected with Christ and therefore stand in His Light. That is good practice and keeps you alert every day to stay in the Light. In your daily life you can be distracted a lot, especially when you are working or have a family to take care of.


That is why it is important to keep going to your heart to that Silence, Peace and Relaxation. In the long run this will go without saying and you can even apply it in your work and in your family. Then you remain in Balance and in your Light Force connected to Christ. You can ask Him to do everything with you, then everything will go much more easier and smoother. You will experience how nice it is, just Trust that almost everything will go by itself.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


You can only experience true joy and happiness when you are connected to Christ. By connecting with Him daily you are always attuned to His great Grace, Peace, Love, Patience and Light. It also becomes more and more Quiet in you if you choose 100% purely and only for Christ. Because all the chatter in your head, your emotions and feelings are from god, playing with and through you in that way.
Until you are so far that you have been able to lovingly let go of god in you, then you will experience a lot of Peace, Relaxation and Silence. Christ can flow through you much better and you will feel Peaceful, Calm and Secure in the Hands of Christ. Once you experience that difference, you only want to experience that fine thing you receive from Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Preparations for important Light Projects are in full swing. Great Light Missions are coming to Enlighten many places and liberate many souls. For this it is necessary that you stand very firmly in your Light and have a very great Faith and Trust in Christ.


In these Missions you cannot afford to falter, but it is necessary to stand strong and steadfast in your Light and shine with Christ. Beloved, you now know how important this is and what all depends on it.


You have all worked towards this to be ready to handle this great Lightwork. You are supported in this by many nuns, brothers, soldiers and angels and of course We are constantly at your side. We are very grateful that you are taking on these tasks.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


An obedient and wise bride of Christ listens very carefully to the voice of Christ in the heart. They live like Christ the 4 pillars, Gracious , Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient in every situation. They let themselves be guided by Christ in their lives where they are needed.


There they radiate the great Grace Light of Christ, because if you start behaving like Christ He can Shine and work through you. Together with many other Lights, a very large Grace Light field of Christ arises through which many souls can be redeemed.


That great Grace Light can Shine through everything, causing all darkness to disappear and be transformed into that Light. So stay on the beautiful Path of Light of Christ and be a co-Savior.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


When you are in relaxed peace and quiet, you are better connected to Christ in your heart and you can hear His soft voice. If there is still unrest and confusion in you, you are still too busy with the outside world and you are distracted and misled.


Then you also have many thoughts, emotions and feelings, from this you can see that god can still play through you completely and you will not get any peace. You then also still react to everything that happens around you.


By going into the relaxed peace and quiet in your heart you can make contact with Christ, the Holy Spirit in you. Only there will you find the quiet, relaxation, silence, Love, peace and joy. Christ cannot be found outside you, because if you want to, He lives in your heart and you can let Him guide you in your life.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Feeling safe and secure in this turbulent time is hard to find in the world. There is chaos, unrest, strife and war. Only with Christ can we find that security and safety in our hearts. There He is present in the form of the Holy Spirit in all life. By placing your life in the hands of Christ, you will be protected from everything.
No darkness or danger can come to you, for you are in the protective Light of Christ. Therefore, strengthen your Faith and Trust in Him and follow Him in your life, go with Christ every day. By being devoted to Him and living like Him, you will eventually also be Light, like Christ, and shine together with Him.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


The children you may receive in your life are usually adult souls who choose to incarnate in your family. More often they are souls that you have known in another life. It may be that you have something to work out among yourselves that has not been worked out in another life. They also come to gain experience and to grow.


A soul may come into a family to support the family or a member of it. They lead a life of their own and also have their own goal or task. As parents you can lovingly raise a child and support it to grow up in a beautiful way. However, they do not belong to you, so it is important to support them in finding their own way in life. 


It is best if you do this together with Christ and you introduce the child to Christ from the beginning and teach him / her what it is like to be a Christian and to live accordingly in word, deed and being. By being an example to your child yourself. Then you know for sure that the child is safe in the hands of Christ and that He will accompany them on their way through life.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


We can see from our behavior whether we are like Christ. No judgments, no right and wrong, no lies, no expectations etc. If we can stay out of those things, which are all toys of god, we will become more and more like Christ.


By following His 4 pillars and being Unity Conscious, reliable, unwavering, steadfast and constant and in addition to be the adult, responsible example. Your beloved have already grown into this and know how important this is, for it keeps you in the Light of Christ.


This is also very important now that you have been assigned great tasks. All this to redeem god from his creation and misery as well as all his creatures.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Being responsible for everything in your life is very important if you want to walk the way to Christ. It is really looking in your own mirror and wanting to take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions. By daring to look at yourself sincerely, a lot opens up in yourself.


If you truly choose to walk the way to Christ, Christ will support you every step of the way if you want to. By carrying yourself over to Him, you show Christ that you are serious and He will wash away all your sins.


Then you can walk your path without any load on your back. You are then always safe, for you are then secure in His Light. By walking your path further to and with Christ, you eventually become like Him and you can also radiate that great Light.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Gradually more and more people will awaken, they see that what is happening around them is not correct and that it is often contradictory. They rebel against it, but don't yet understand that fighting is not the right solution. And that this is precisely the intention so that there is even more unrest.


God continues to play his game of revelations until now. Only when you are in Christ can you step out of this. He is the only True way of life and our great Savior. Only by being and doing like Christ do you step out of the creation of god, which is an illusion, and are you in Spirit with Christ and as Christ.


Then you will only experience Grace, Love, Light, Peace and Quiet. The unrest and fear that is in the world can then no longer touch you. So walk your way to Christ without looking back and walk into His Light House.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


The more turbulent, restless and fearful it gets in the world around you, the more it is important to be fully attuned to Christ and in His Light. Stay out of the chaos and fear and keep going back within you to the relaxed Peace and Quiet. In this way you stay firmly in the Light and you can be a support, Light and rest pillar for everyone around you, which they all need in the coming period.


Because many do not yet know the way out of all that chaos and fear. You, beloved, do know this and can be the beautiful shining example for everyone around you. Stay all in the great Unity with Christ, then you will always be protected and you will find the peace and wisdom within yourself and know how to act in all situations; because it is Christ who works and shines through you, if you allow it.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,

Real health can only be found with Christ, for Christ you are whole and healthy. 
Only in the illusion world that is different, because there we believe that we are a body. This is not us, it is just a shell, a kind of 'space suit' to be able to live here on earth.


The body cannot really be sick, the cause all comes from your soul. Your soul has stored everything from this and past lives, these can also be traumas. Because of this you get out of balance, out of the lifestream that is Christ, this causes diseases.


By cleaning up your soul together with Christ and resolving the traumas, you will be freed and redeemed and you can be whole and healed again. This makes you Lighter and you can start to shine. You then have courage to live again and experience joy in your life every day.


Mother Mary





In a short time the entire Light family has come into Unity, beautiful to see. That Unity with one another and with Christ is also very important today. Because of that, a large and powerful Light field can be put down together with Christ when needed.


The Light is badly needed and it is also important that it remains stable. You have all shown through your commitment and determination that you take your task seriously and stand for it. Your tasks are therefore becoming increasingly important and we know that you are now strong enough to handle them.


In great Faith and Trust, keep connecting with Christ in that Unity of Light. This is to redeem god and his creation and all creatures so that everyone can go Home again.

Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Everyone is in their own layer of consciousness and experiences in their life what they are aware of. Many do not yet realise this and that it is important to grow spiritually in consciousness. It is not important what you have achieved in your life on a material level, the spiritual development is much more important.

If you come to the other side after this life, you will have no use for your material status, goods, and how educated you are. You have been allowed to learn in the material world what life on earth is and you have become wiser through trial and error. These are experiences that help you in your spiritual development.


As you develop yourself spiritually you have begun to walk the way Home to Christ. To develop yourself to such extend spiritually to eventually become like Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


When you experience Joy of Life and are in relaxed tranquility, peace and quiet, then you know for sure that you are connected to Christ. Because only with Him can you find this. When you experience chaos, fear, doubt and unrest, you are not connected to Christ. You can use this to test yourself what you choose.


Again and again you will be distracted and deceived by the outside world to take you out of your peace and Light. This is often done in a devious way so that you don't notice it at first. God can also play through you with thoughts, feelings and emotions. 


You can also be wary of this, because god wants to keep you in his game. When you fully choose Christ, then god has no more hold on you, because then you are in the protective Light of Christ. Therefore, be alert every day and choose only for Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


When you are connected to Christ, you are connected to all life like Him. For Christ is present in everything as the Holy Spirit and He is the Unity in everything and everyone. It has always been that way, we may remember that we belong to that great Unity and realise that we are that also.


For we are at the core only Spirit, around which the illusion of god and the fallen angels is built, and in this way God has wanted to keep us from Spirit by putting veils of illusion before it. Only Christ can remove these veils so that you can be pure Spirit again. It is up to us humans whether we want to wake up and know and see the Truth. 


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


As long as worldly things are still important to you, you still have one leg on the Titanic, which is the world, and one leg on the Ark of Christ. That will be difficult for you because the Titanic is going to sink, everything worldly, earthly and heavenly will pass. Only the Spirit of Christ remains, which is the real Life.


If you want to stand on the Ark of Christ, you will have to stand with 2 feet on it and choose 100% for Christ. You can choose where you want to be. It is not advisable to go down with the Titanic. Everyone has the opportunity to be on the Ark of Christ. Everyone can choose which way he/she wants to go.


Those who are awake know what will come as god continues his game of revelations from the Bible. Then it is very wise to choose only for Christ and to be redeemed from all this misery. Christ would like to take everyone Home.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


In the beginning anyone who walks the path to Christ does so by trial and error. You may try again and again, for Christ is very patient with you and will help you to rise again and support you on your way. You don't have to do it alone, He is always by your side and knows exactly what you need.


This makes the bumpy path a bit more passable for you. Step by step you walk by the Hand of Christ the way Home, where Redemption and Glory await you.


By believing and trusting in Christ, that He is always with you and supports you, you will feel carried on your path. By growing in consciousness, and cleansing yourself, you will radiate more and more Light in order to eventually become and be like Christ and be a co-savior in the end times.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Thoughts have powers as you have probably experienced before in your life. Through those thoughts you have always influenced your life, how it turned out. God likes to play with your thoughts, feelings and emotions through you, because it is his game that you are in.


Until you come to know this and you connect with Christ and give Him your life in His hands. He shows you that god has played with you all your life and has held you captive in space (body) and time (soul).


Now that you have come to know Christ again, you know that you can step out of that prison and regain your freedom after being imprisoned for such a long time. For Christ is only Spirit, the Holy Spirit in all life. Only Grace, Love, Peace, Freedom, real Life and Joy can be found with Him. There you are back Home where you left a long time ago, Welcome Home!


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Now that you are coming more and more in your Light, it is important to stay in it. To be in Unity, steadfast in full Faith and Trust in and as Christ. This is very important for the time to come, for there will be many who will need your help and guidance.


You also Peace, Love, Patience and understanding, to be able to deal with them graciously. Christ will send the right people on your path. You can be a beautiful example for them and support them in finding the way back to Christ. Because only He is the way out of chaos, confusion, fear and doubt. He is only Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace and Patience, Freedom and Joy.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Rejoice, you loved ones, on the day to come, to be able to celebrate the Spiritual Wedding together with Christ in Unity. You have all worked towards this day and you also realise very well what it takes to participate in the Spiritual Wedding.
Because only if you are pure and have 2 feet on the Ark of Christ and are a serious and wise bride, you will be allowed to experience it. Christ knows exactly what stage of your development you are in and is very patient with you.


Go into Unity relaxed and in silence, and have no expectations. Be joyful and let happen whatever may happen.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Faith and trust in Christ is very important. After that, believing and trusting in yourself is also important as you walk the path to Christ and you start to become or already are more and more Light as Christ. That is quite a process and you may also be aware of your growth and your Light. So give all your doubts to Christ and let it go.


For if you seriously walk the path to Christ, you will grow in consciousness and in your Light. By lovingly serving your fellow human beings and by doing Lightwork you can grow. Then it is also important to behave like Christ, Gracious, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient in all situations and circumstances.


Added to this is being Unity Conscious, Reliable, Unshakable, Steadfast and constant. But also being a Mature, Responsible, Example. That is quite a job, but if you really want to walk the way to Christ and become like Him, you will succeed in being this way.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


The more the turmoil, confusion and fear increases in the world, the more important it is to connect with Christ. Because only He is the Truth and with Him you will find rest, relaxation, joy and peace. 


In the outside world you cannot escape the turmoil and chaos and you are quickly sucked into it. When you are aware of this, you can concentrate more and more to go within yourself to find Christ in your heart. Real life is inside you and not in the outside world as there is only temptation and deception.


Letting yourself be led by Christ is the only way Home. It's just a narrow, bumpy path Home to Christ. But with His help you are carried through it.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Everyone is loved by Christ, even if they are not aware of it. Christ loves all life and He is also present in all life as the Holy Spirit and Conscience in man. He also loves people who don't know who He is.


His great Love and Grace are enormous and encompass all life. Therefore we are never alone, Christ is always with us wherever we are or whatever situation we are in. Christ is always present everywhere at the same time.


He forgives all our sins over and over again, time and again we get another chance and can awaken. This in order to be able to come closer to Him, back Home. There where His great Grace, Love, Peace and rest will surround us.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Tuning in to Christ daily at 9 a.m. and 12 a.m. will help you stay in your Light. Doing this together gives a lot of strength and Light. Doing this seriously every day ensures that you become stronger and also that it is easier to let go of god with his games in yourself. You become more and more alert to this and therefore you can make your choice again at any time.


The choice of whether you want to allow God to keep playing in you or whether you only choose Christ. You will also increasingly notice the difference between what you are connected to. By connecting with Christ, you will experience the warm Love, Peace, Light, Silence and Joy. Anything that makes you anxious or fearful is not of Christ. So the choice is yours.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


If you can be and stay in the silence, peace and relaxation, then Christ can flow and work fully through you. Because of that peace and relaxation you will also hear His soft voice speak through you and you can let yourself be guided by it. If you keep tuning in to that peace, quiet and relaxation, it becomes your own.


Then you can come back to that point faster and faster if it becomes restless in you or around you. By practicing that, you will be able to stay in it longer and longer, whatever is happening around you. For the unrest and the challenges will only increase in the coming period. Then it is very nice if you can retreat to that silence and peace again and again.


Then you also radiate that tranquility to your surroundings, the people around you who really need it. Be the example and show those around you that only the path to Christ gives this peace. Only by being and staying connected with Him in that silence can you be that example.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Beloved, you are now living in a very challenging time, where everyone has the opportunity to wake up and go Home. This is a great opportunity for those who are already awake and know what this time means. This great opportunity is there for everyone, if they want to choose it. Because everyone will soon have to choose which way they want to go.


Many people are still ignorant and do not realise that the time that has passed will never return and that it will not recover. Time ceases to exist, including all of god's creation. Only Spirit remains that is Christ. Then it is important to be connected to Christ every second of the day and to believe and trust Him.


By going the way to Christ, you can go Home where you once came from. Where there is the great Unity, Quiet, Love, Silence, Abundance, Peace, and Joy and where you may receive the great Grace of Christ. If you would like to go back there again, the way to Christ is the only way.


Mother Mary



Dear Light Family,


Everyone has spent several lifetimes here on earth whether they are aware of it or not. In all those lives you have gained experiences and were allowed to learn. You always take that with you to the next life, also the less pleasant experiences that can bother you in this life.


You have also lived together with many people, you can sometimes notice this when you meet someone you don't actually know in this life, but you know inside that you have known them for a long time. This can also be the case with places you go. There are also people and even children who have special talents from an early age, which can also come from a previous life.


We are all on the way to Christ, where all that does not exist in Spirit. When we become and are like Christ, we have stepped out of this creation, the creation of god, which includes incarnation. Then we can go straight Home to Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Beloved, the Light mission that has already been, the Light mission that is now and the Light missions to come are very important to enlighten and let go of the great parts in ourselves. 


With this we enlighten god in us and show him how he can come into redemption in peace and love. He can then find the way home to Christ in himself. This is a process that is taking place in each of us.


It is not to be found outside of us, only in us can we find the Christ, the Holy Spirit again and let it rise and put it at the helm of our lives. To completely surrender to Christ to be healed and redeemed. To grow in your Light, to then be a great example for your fellow human beings.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Every day you are deceived, seduced into the world of matter, which is an illusion. Also, you are bombarded daily with lies and other falsehoods to keep you from looking inside yourself and investigating the Truth.


In addition, attempts are made to let you walk in a certain direction and commandments and prohibitions are increasingly strict. This considerably limits the freedom of everyone. Until people wake up and see how they are being deceived and misguided.


Unfortunately, not many yet realize they are being deceived and cheated. The only way out of this is Christ, He is the Way, the Truth and Eternal Life. Only by following His way and going with Him can you be delivered from this illusion.

Mother Mary 



Dear Light family,


Grace is the greatest Love of Christ. We may receive this from Him daily. We may also give this again to our neighbours, because they too need and may receive this Grace. 


Because Christ makes no difference between one or the other. It is up to us to learn to be like Christ. That is a great challenge and responsibility for us to do that every day and every second of the day as Christ.


Everyone can do that at their own pace and it is the most beautiful thing we can do, to be One with Christ afterwards. To be, radiate and hand out this great Grace, Love, Peace and Patience to all that lives. So that they too will awaken in the Gracious Light of Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Step by step, you are on your way to come to Unity within yourself and you have left all the old things and patterns behind you. That will already feel like a liberation and it is an inner process and you are exactly in the place in this development that is good for you.


By being in Unity in yourself first, you can also be in Unity with everything around you and certainly with Christ. Beloved, you are on your way to this together and have come this far through trial and error. Christ sees your commitment and intention and supports you in everything you do.


He knows exactly what you can handle and will never ask you anything that would be too much for you. You all have your own talents and together they are used everywhere to achieve that great Unity. The UNITY with Christ in His Gracious Light to shine with Him.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


There is a lot of turmoil and chaos in the world at the moment, don't go along with this, because it will drag you into the abyss. Stay in your Light, firmly anchored in Christ, then all that cannot touch you.


Humanity is lied to and deceived every day and great fear is created so that everyone will walk a certain path, which has been thought out in advance. Your beloved know this because you are and will be well informed about it, therefore you know what is to come and what they are up to.


Be alert every day again. Every effort will be made to take you out of your Light and into the darkness. That is why it is so important now to stay focused on and in the Light of Christ and stand with two feet in His Light. Then you don't have to worry about anything, then nothing can touch you.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Receiving insights from Christ ensures that you get to know yourself better and why you came to earth. By looking inside yourself in your heart at which point of development you are. That you learn to recognise which parts you can let go and transform into Light.


If you have carried yourself over in 100% Faith and Trust to Christ, He will help you with your entire process. Christ knows exactly who you are and what you need. By carrying yourself over to Him, He has washed you completely clean, so there is no past anymore that you should feel guilty about.


Christ has taken all that away from you, so that the path to the Light may be easier. Especially if you allow Him to support and guide you. So take this great Grace gift with both hands and let yourself be carried away in His Loving Grace Light.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Whenever we threaten to trip, Christ lifts us up again. Each time we may try again to learn to become like Christ. He sees our intention and what is possible for us and has very great patience with us.


We can go our path of awakening at our own pace. There is no time involved and there is no contest as to who comes first. For Christ only your intention to come to Unity whitin yourself counts, then come to Unity together with everything else around you and then together become one with Christ.


So be patient with yourself, it's okay if you fall and get up again. It is important to take your own responsibility for your life so that you can grow up. Also with all these developments, Christ is always at your side.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


It is important every day to whom or what you are tuned in and which voice(s) you listen to. If you are not yet with two feet in Christ, you can hear all kinds of voices, including that of God. This can make you quite confused and restless, and you probably cannot sleep peacefully either.


God will also send his thoughts through you, keeping you in duality, in his play. By examining this closely within yourself, you know which voice you want to listen to. If you only listen to the Holy Spirit in you, who is Christ, you will only feel calm, relaxed and cheerful. Because with Christ there is Peace and Quiet.


He will not ask anything of you, what you should do or how to do it. He will never demand anything from you or judge if you are getting it right. Christ does not do all these things, He IS only Graceful, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient.


He waits patiently when you are willing to come back to Him, so that you can go Home with Him. It's all up to you which way you want to walk. The way of darkness, unrest, chaos and violence. Or do you want to walk the path of Light, Love, Peace and Quiet?


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


When people work in society, they sometimes do not allow themselves to relax and just carry on. If these people have children, those suffer greatly, especially if both parents work and the children are moved elsewhere. They miss the attention and love of the parents who are often also stressed.


Children feel this in their parents and don't really know how to deal with it, which is reflected in difficult behavior, restlessness or anger. Then the parents and their children walk in a circle that they no longer have a view of. Until the parents meet someone, or read or are shown something somewhere. Then an opening or insight can be obtained through which they can make changes.


Parents think that the children are difficult, but the children actually show their parents where they still have a problem. If the parents want to see that, there can be improvement, especially if they want to do that together with Christ. He will help and carry them through it so that an appropriate solution is reached, because only He knows what everyone needs.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


If you want to walk the way to Christ, you will have to do it seriously, not for a day and then not anymore. It takes courage, determination and perseverance. Because not everyone in your surroundings will like it and can find you weird and maybe even avoid you.


But when you know what Christ went through all alone 2,000 years ago, it will be possible for you to persevere. You beloved are with a nice large group of people who can support each other, Christ is present with every step you take.


He has showed us how to do it and cleared the way, so that we can all go Home together with Him. The only thing in return is that you fully choose Christ and are willing to behave like Him in any circumstance or situation and that is Graciously, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


If you can be and stay in relaxed peace, it is easier to hear the Holy Spirit in your heart, the soft voice of Christ in you. To then make contact with it and let it guide you. Then you are in the Light field of Christ and continuously tuning in to it, is very important at this time to be able to stay in your Light, even though the storm is raging around you.


Practicing this daily will make it easier and you can stay tuned in to that great Grace Light field for longer. Then you remain in your strength and you stand strong and stable in your Light. Certainly in this time, there is always an attempt to destabilise you, to attack you to pull you out of your Light. That is why it is so very important to choose only Christ and to stand with two feet in His Light.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Many are called, but many also do not heed or hear it because they are still too busy in the world and consider it more important. They therefore have no idea that there is also another life in them, a spiritual life.


Until they meet someone who is like Christ. Then they will be touched by the Light of Christ and will become curious about it and want to know more about it. These people are therefore willing to wake up and are therefore open to changes and deepening in themselves.


Then they can be helped by people who already walk the path to Christ and learn from them how they can also achieve it. Because of this they too are on the right path and can walk the way Home to come to Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Every day offers you new opportunities to come stronger in your Light and closer to Christ and in Christ. For Christ, it doesn't matter how long it takes you to get back Home. He has endless patience with you and you can do everything at your own pace and need.


Christ will never force you to do anything, but will give you the space to grow. If you have turned yourself over to Him in 100% Faith and Trust, He will help you throughout your awakening process and lead you to places, people or situations that are necessary for your development process. You will then develop spiritually and learn to listen more to your conscience in you, which is Christ in you.


Then you will be helped to let go of all the old and to not take hold of it anymore, because Christ has already washed you completely clean. This allows you to develop more easily and to come and stay more in your Light. This process is different for everyone. It is a good thing when you can do this together with others, so that you can support each other, learn from each other to set off on the way Home. Christ is always with you when you connect with Him.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


If you are not in Unity yet, god can still play through you completely with e.g. jealousy, pride, betrayal, or envy etc. You all know them, then everyone is played against each other and Unity will be hard to find.


Therefore, everyone may honestly investigate in themselves which pieces are still there, so that they can be dissolved in the Christ Light. It is not easy to examine yourself and find the Truth in yourself. It is a great responsibility that you then take for yourself to grow up and be responsible for your own thoughts and actions.


But with the loving support in the Light family, that will certainly succeed. This is also important, because as you know time is running out and you will have to realize that you cannot easily sit back and relax, because then nothing can change.


That is why we would like to ask you to seriously put your best foot forward to come together in that great Unity, which is extremely important in the coming period. To form a very large, powerful field of Christ Light. That is why you are asked to stand firm, unwavering in 100% Faith and Trust with TWO feet in Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Beloved, your growth process of forming a Unity together is progressing well. That great Unity in the Light family is very important especially for the coming period, to be able to brace the great storm that is coming towards you together.


By continuing to connect with each other and with the great Grace Lightfield of Christ, you can come and stay in your strength. Each of you knows what is at stake and how serious this is what we ask you, because a lot depends on it.


It is a great challenge to do this, but it is not for nothing that you are together, because you have firstly chosen to help in this time to bring the Light and love and be a co-saviour.


We know that you can all do that if you take what is asked of you very seriously and if you want to commit yourself to it in 100% faith and trust. Beloved, we trust you to do that together with us.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Beloved, your Light mission of the past few days has been very important and much has been healed, enlightened and reunited in those days. The next Light missions to come are also an important continuance of the first mission.


There too, much may heal be enlightened. Because of this, a big part in god has been enlightened and redeemed, even if he does not want to know it yet. Your brave Lights are fully committed to accomplishing this together with us, so that the Light can continue to flow in god and enlighten him, which is also done with very great love.


We are very grateful for your loving commitment, fortitude, faith and trust. Keep this up, beloved, and remain connected in your Lights to Christ, for there is still much to do for you.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


You may also have love and patience with yourself in your development process. Everything goes and happens as it is necessary for your soul and development, when you have carried yourself over to Christ. He knows you very well and knows exactly what your soul needs. In addition, He has infinite patience with you and will support you with all His love in everything in your life, if you have entrusted Him with that.


Christ puts everything that is necessary for you to learn and develop on your path, so that it may also become Lighter inside you. This is different for everyone and everyone can do this at their own pace. Christ helps you to let go of all the old and to walk your new path.


The path that leads straight to Him, so that you can come Home to Him. Everyone will go Home in Christ sooner or later, when the soul is ready. Christ knows for everyone when it is time to come Home. In addition, He teaches you how you can become Lighter and ultimately be like Him and help to redeem everything and everyone.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


If you are gracious, loving, peaceful, and patient, you are like Christ. It requires quite a bit of you to be and remain like that in every situation and circumstance. Especially now that more and more challenges are coming your way and the storm is starting to increase. Then it's about whether you can stand firm in your Light.


That is only possible if you are in 100% faith and trust in Christ. If you have sincerely chosen to stand and stay with two feet in the Light of Christ, then you have nothing to fear. Only then can you set an example for all your fellow human beings, your family and relatives to co-redeem them with Christ and walk Home hand in hand with them.


It is a great responsibility that you have beloved, but you are very well informed in all areas and prepared for anything that may come if god keeps on playing. It may also be that he still wants to go Home to be released from his misery and loneliness. He is asked this daily by you with a lot of love, so that he may experience the love of Christ in him again.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


When you are in peace and relaxation, all Life can flow freely through you. Then Christ can flow and work freely through you. When you are tense, the flow, the Life flow stagnates and therefore diseases can arise.


This also happens due to too much stress, the muscles become too tense so that nothing can flow anymore. Then it is important to go into yourself and ask yourself why you are tense and in stress, then you can change it.


It is very nice if you ask Christ for help, He releases you from all tension and helps you to relax. He will also give you insights on how to deal with certain situations better. This can get your Lifes flow going again, especially if you stay connected to Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Equal attracts equal in life. Is there still darkness in you, then you attract darkness you. When you are in the Light, you only attract Light. When people realise this, they will look at it differently and want to change it if there is still darkness in them.


This works best if they want to connect with Christ and let themselves be guided by Him. He then brings them step by step out of the darkness into the Light by giving them insights on how to solve the darkness within themselves.


He will send people on their path who can help them with this and who can teach them to do that and who are the example in behaviour for these people. That way they can see that it is really possible to come into the Light and they will want to make the effort. Then they too are on their way Home.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


In this end time you cannot afford to step out of the Light for a moment, you are immediately caught by the darkness, which is actually constantly lurking for this, to see if anyone can be taken out of the Light.
That is certainly not a pleasant sensation if you are used to the Light.


Therefore, beloved, you are constantly urged to see the importance of staying in the Light of Christ and to no longer pay attention to the world or to god. If you do do that, the consequences are yours, then you have chosen which way you want to go.


However, it is not wise to step out of the Light, for you know the consequences, you are knowing. So, beloved, stand with 2 feet for Christ in faith and trust, obedient and wise, then you can be a great and good example for your family, relatives and your whole surroundings.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Obedience is important if you want to become and be a true bride of Christ. No more listening to your ego or god, but daring to let go of all this, so that you are 100% available for the Lightwork that you are allowed to do for Christ.


Listen only to His directions and guidance, so as to be firmly anchored in the Christ Light. Together with Him go the way where you are needed and shine as Christ.


This requires constant obedience, faith, trust, perseverance and fortitude to become like Christ. To go with many others, with Christ, Mother Mary and the Saints, to do salvation work in this end-time. For this you came to earth, to be of service for this.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


If you have allowed Christ into your heart, carried your life over to Him, then from that moment on you have got a new life, the real life. Life in the Truth and in the Light. You are then out of the chaos, restlessness, fear, dissatisfaction and all those things.


With Christ you can really come to peace and relaxation, because when you have carried yourself over to Him, He has taken away all your worries, sorrow, but also all your sins and you can walk a new path together with Christ.


By being guided by Him, only things that are needed for your growth and spiritual rebirth happen. It then becomes more and more quiet and Lighter in yourself, because you can let go of the old life more and more, and the new path leads to Christ in His Light, Grace and Love.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Being grateful for everything you may receive every day is important. You cannot take for granted that you may receive all of that. To be grateful that you have a family and friends around you, including a house to live in, food and drink daily, clothes and shoes to wear. We are used to it all being there for us and do not realise that there are also people who lack all this and who live in great poverty and hunger.


It is not obvious to them that it is all there and they have to put in a lot of effort every day to survive. Therefore, gratitude is appropriate if you may receive all that. Especially when you realise that it is very different in other places in the world. Also being grateful for especially the small things in life or a nice gesture.


We may certainly be grateful to Christ, that He has delivered us from our sins so that we can go through life without a load, together with Him. Grateful that you can start a new day over and over again and receive His help, support, and guidance. That we may follow His way to become and be like Him and to do redemption and Light work with Christ. So there is a lot to be grateful for every day.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Being connected to Christ day after day is very nice, you feel carried and you are in His light. Especially at this time it is very important to be there in that point of silence, that 0 point. By tuning in again and again, you can stay out of the storm that will get stronger soon.


Then you can also stay in peace and relaxation and certainly stay out of fear. Then you are no longer of the world and no longer of creation, then you are like Christ in Christ. Because in the time to come it is very important to remain in the Light of Christ.


To keep standing stable, steadfast, determined in your Light. Then you can also be a support and example to all those around you. A shining example so that people can follow your Light and also find their way back Home.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Being with your family, relatives, friends, your loved ones is important in a human life. Everyone needs the closeness and love of each other. Sharing everything and doing things together creates joy and happiness. Also supporting each other in times when things are not going well. This ensures that the human being gets hope again, feels heard and understood, and recovers more quickly by the affection, love and attention. Being there for each other and helping each other for better or for worse.


All this has been denied many recently, so there are also people who have died of loneliness. Humanity needs each other in every way. It is great when people discover that they are all the same, that the Holy Spirit is in everyone and that that is the Light in everyone, the Christ who has always been there.


That therefore everyone has great Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace and Patience, because we can all be like Christ. If we open up to it and can allow Christ back into our hearts. Then we all come back Home in His great Love, Light, Peace and Glory.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


To be an example like Christ is quite a task, which requires great responsibility, steadfastness, faith and trust, a sense of unity and mature behaviour. Being an example for your family, relatives and your surroundings is quite a challenge.


To be able to stand steadfastly in the Christ Light, whatever happens around you, whatever they do against you or do to you. If you continue to believe and trust in Christ and remain in His light, nothing can happen to you. You are only Spirit and Light in Christ as Christ.


By being this, the Christ Light shines through you and Christ can work through you, touching everyone in your surroundings with His great Grace, Love and Peace. Especially in this time beloved, your Lights are desperately needed. Doing this in great UNITY with us produces a large and powerful Light field that can withstand any darkness.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Joy is an important part of our lives, it makes you shine and experience your life in a Lighter way. Often it are the small things that can give you joy and that make you enjoy more. Bringing joy to someone else also makes you happy.


Especially in this time of fear and uncertainty, it is important to keep seeing the joy in all kinds of things in your life. It ensures that you are relaxed and it brings a smile to your face. True great joy is sure to be found when you are connected with Christ.


For if you connect with Christ, and put your life in His hands, and trust in Him that He has taken all your worries and fears away from you, you will certainly be able to feel the joy of liberation and you may radiate this to your fellow human beings and to everything around you. By doing this, you touch other hearts with your joy so that they too can become joyful again.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Being connected with your loved ones, your parents, children, grandchildren, family and friends is important. During these times, this had to endure a lot and people were kept away form each other, which made for very sad events. Because it is precisely love and proximity to each other that is necessary to live. The ties were pulled apart abruptly with bad consequences for many.


Fortunately there is Christ with His great Grace and Love, who wants to help and support us in all situations. Therefore, go to Christ with all your worries, sorrows, fears, insecurities and frustrations and ask if He will take it away from you and give you insights which way is best for you. He will always give you good advice. Listen to the Holy Spirit in you, because that is Christ.


Christ will free you from your heavy burdens so that you can go on with your life unencumbered. Believe and trust Him that if you walk with Him, you will lack nothing and nothing can harm you.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


There is plenty of opportunity to grow, especially if you want to walk the path to Christ. It is the path out of the world and out of the creation of god. It is the way in, to your heart, where you can find the Holy Spirit, who is Christ.


Once you have found this way, and have noticed that you can find the Peace and the Truth there, you want to be there more and more often and you want to know more and more about it. Many of you have already walked this way, beloved, and still many are on the way. More and more people will search for the Truth and long for Peace.


You beloved, can show all these people the way and show them how to come to Christ. They too can then be liberated and redeemed by Christ and can go home.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Now in this time it is important to realise, that you will only be safe in the time to come if you are in 100% faith and trust in Christ, and have entrusted Him with your life. You are living in a very turbulent time and that will only increase. You have been clearly informed about this and know what is to come.


Therefore, you have been warned and prepared and know that if you remain in the Light of Christ, unwavering and steadfast, that not only you are safe and protected, but your children, grandchildren, and your entire family as well. It is up to you whether you are able to keep standing in the Light of Christ or let yourself be seduced or misled.

That will certainly be tried, do not fall for this and stay in your Light and keep shining. Then the darkness can do absolutely nothing with you. Keep trusting in Christ to help and protect you through this time. Stay out of fear and believe and trust only Christ.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Events in the world cause people worldwide to revolt. As you know, beloved, everything is manipulated and people are deliberately turned against each other. This is all part of the end-time game of god.


Many more things will be released upon humanity to destroy them, that is also the plan of god, because god wants to create a new heaven and a new earth. He just does not realise that he will perish himself as a result.


Christ sees this completely differently, for all this does not exist for Christ because He is only Spirit. Yet as promised Christ will give everyone the Grace through which everyone can also go Home with Christ, including god. Every day a lot of Love and Light is radiated through and in God so that he too can awaken in his spiritual heart and recognise Christ again, embrace Him and go home with Christ. Then all life is immediately redeemed.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,

Living and being according to the four pillars of Christ is very important if you want to be like Christ. The Christ, the I AM, is Gracious, Unconditionally Loving, Peaceful and Patient in every situation and circumstance, Unity Conscious, Reliable, Unshakable, Steadfast and Constant.


If you want to become and be like Him, it is important to make this your own, to be it and to do it. Then you are like Christ and you can be a co-savior in this end-time. A time where many are needed to do this, to put down the great Grace Light Field together, over and over again and shine the Christ Light through everything, wherever you are.


If you are like Christ, the Christ Light will automatically shine through you and everything can be touched and enlightened with it, and it lets everyone's own Light grow bigger in their hearts so that they too awaken again.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Beloved, you have been called by Christ to help with the redemption of god and all life in the end-time. 
Many of you also know this and already know what task you have and may perform. It is not an easy time and the tasks will not be easy either, but know that Christ knows exactly what you can handle.


Then you can rest assured that you will only receive the assignment that suits you. Together with many others you have these beautiful and important tasks to fulfill. It takes a lot of Faith and Trust, fortitude, perseverance and courage.


But you also know for sure that you are very well supported by us, and are always safe, provided you stay in the Light with Christ. We believe and trust beloved, that you can do it together with us.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


In some places in the world there is chaos and unrest. Humanity rebels because of all the situations they are put in. This causes rebellion, protest, disagreement and anger. If that is countered with violence and threats, peace is hard to find and it will only increase.


It will not be of much use, because there will be crackdowns at the expense of freedom and free speech. For retaliating violence with violence only leads to even more violence. Only in the Christ, the Holy Spirit in us, can we find quiet and peace again. By consciously choosing Christ with your attention and your whole being and staying out of violence, unrest and discontent, you will be able to remain peaceful and quiet.


In the 0 point you are connected with Christ and if you can stay there, you are in His Grace, Unconditional Love, Peace and Patience. Then nothing can touch you and you are in complete peace and quiet. Certainly at this time it is important to remain stable and unwavering in the Light and thereby be a support for others.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Many people enjoy that the rules are more flexible and that they can move more freely again. They are also happy to meet again, so that the loneliness is somewhat relieved. However, this is a sham and will only be temporary. As it has been, it will never be again, not everyone already realizes this.


You, beloved, are extremely well informed and prepared for this. If many people are going to panic later, you can be the beacons of Peace. This because you know, as long as you are well connected with Christ and you are in His Light, you can remain peaceful and quiet in the storm.


Many will therefore find peace, support and refuge with you. You can set an example for them and show them the way to get there and how to get out of fear, chaos and despair. By behaving like Christ in every situation, these people can be well helped and guided on the way Home.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Given the situation that many families are already in, there will be great uncertainty whether they still have an income and can pay the bills. Because many are fired nowadays, that number increases, and they will be in financial distress and not everyone receives compensation from the state.


As long as god continues with his endgame it will only increase. Many have forgotten that there is a god and certainly they no longer know who Christ is and what the difference is in Truth. Many are ignorant of this and have completely lost their connection.


The only thing that will help them get back on their feet is to believe and trust in Christ again and put their life in His hands. Then He will take care of them and provide for all their needs. Time is running out to wake up.


Mother Mary



Dear Light family,


Many souls gratefully use the opportunity every day during the attunements, to be ready to be able to go Home in the great Grace and Redemption Light of Christ. Many, many now get the opportunity and grasp it with both hands with great joy.


They are very grateful for this great opportunity every day, and they keep coming so that many can go Home. Through this great Christ Grace and Redemption Light that your loved ones establish with us, this opportunity is there for all those souls.


This makes the body of God ever Lighter and certainly also because of the great Fire of Grace and the Light Waves, which are sent a few times a day in great gracious love to the spiritual heart of god and are radiated through his body. It is up to god whether he wants to be touched by this and go Home with all of us so that he and all life may be redeemed.


Mother Mary

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